Chapter 10

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I froze as the news reporter spoke about Kris Kelman's wife, her suicide, it seemed suspicious to me. A lawyer, like herself, suddenly goes bankrupt and a man like Kris divorces her because of the money loss? Maybe it was a set up? No, it couldn't be. How could somebody convince a woman to sign of on her divorce moments before she commited suicide, unless she didn't love him anymore. It just didn't add up.

I strutted over to a payphone that seemed to be abandoned and dialed the cell number of Kris Kelman's wife, which I looked up in the phone book.
*ring.... ring...... ring..*

I was in shock. I used to think that conspiracy theories were a load of bullshit.. up until the moment after that service announcement when I heard a phone ring. Shit.
I completely forgot about how I had grabbed it on my way out. I starred at it desperately before putting it up to my ear
"Hello?" The raspy voice on the other end made my heart drop to my stomach, every memory I had ever made with him raced through my mind.
"Pony boy?" I asked enthused and confused.There was a long pause and the sound of heavy breathing, almost crying, emerged from the phone, "I don't want to believe this, Trooper. Tell me you didn't."
I felt awkward and unsure of what exactly to say, like in school when the rude teacher calls on you with a question that you don't understand.
"He killed my father." As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it, what if the line was tapped, I knew the line was tapped, "I gotta go. Stay gold, pony boy." I smirked remembering the line from my favorite book "I love you."

"I love you." Her rough voice whispered to me as she hung up the phone. I was broken. You see the thing about Marie is she's exactly like me, only tells people she loves them if she doesn't expect to ever see them again. The thought of never seeing her again tore me apart. I couldnt be mad about her genius plan to escape prison, because she didn't allow them to kill me. I was vulnerable and she didn't take advantage of that.
"I love you too." I mumbled to the girl of my dreams who wasn't even there.

I snapped the phone in half and tossed it out the window as I wiped the tears off my face
"Get it together, Trooper." I whispered calling myself the name that taunted me for weeks.


After thinking constantly for hours about everything my emotions were raging, anger being one of my most dominant characteristics, I pulled into a truck stop parking lot.

"How do you want it?"
"Gone mostly. " I muttered
"May I ask why?"
I had a hard time understanding why the hell he needed to know. I was pissed and it was nobody's fault but my own.

As the razor blade went across my skin I felt a sense of relief. I watched the broken ends of hair fall to the floor, collapsing, it was a mess. It was impowering.

I trudged out of the truck stop with 7 dollars less than I entered with, but I was now unrecognizable. As I backed out of the parking lot and speed down the street I couldn't help but smile at the fact I had not been caught yet.

"1 ticket for Detroit." I forced 40 bucks into the airline booth
"Ma'am it costs much more to get on a flight to Detroit than that. I'll need at least 250."
250? You gotta be kidding me?
"How about if I go with the animals." I gestured to the pet cart. She smirked at me looking suspicious " Yeah, I guess I could do that." She paused looking intently "But don't let the other passengers know... it's a safety violation... but don't worry I do it all the time."
"Thank you." I responded as I headed for the entrance where they had taken the animals.

The last time I was on a plane I was with Dwayne talking about how much we hated it, but honestly I would go back to that day if I could. That was the day that Kris killed my father, the day before I killed his wife, the day before they caught Armando, the day before they almost caught Dwayne, 3 days before today. The days had blended together quite a bit, but I believe I had been on the run for 2 weeks now.

The truth is that just couldn't last forever, eventually all kings die, and we never know who's next in line.

I was ducked behind a trash can crying when a man approached. He was rather tall, dark grey hair, and carried a cane.
"Excuse me, young man?"
I'm sure I looked confused as to why he was speaking with me "I thought I'd let you know that this isn't the place to be camped out. The police have been searching the area for that JP Clemens kid." I stared at him for a moment unsure if he recognized me before getting up and walking down the alley towards a busy road. I searched for any clue as to where I may have been, I noticed a street sign that read 7 mile road. I turned right and headed down it, unsure of anything, I'm sure I would have been fine if it wasn't for the bar down the road. At this point, I was done, I headed inside and set down.

"What'll it be?"
"Whiskey on rocks." I mumbled as I fiddled my thumbs. He filled a small glass and slid it towards me
"Anything on your mind kid?" He questioned me. It was that straw that broke the camels back, I knew once I started talking I wouldn't be able to stop, but who cares, not me, i was fed up. So I began "Do you ever feel like the whole world hates you?" I was thinking of Marie as I said this "It's like I just can't get a hold on myself, every time I do anything, anything at all, it always ends tragically. " Tears started to come to my eyes " My family left me, my sisters dead, and the only one I have ever loved has gone crazy, all because of me!" I was frustrated, intoxicated, and asking for more regrets,
"How'd your sister pass? Mine died of cancer when she was just 13, I'd love to help I I can." The man was too nice and it just set me off
"NO. You can't help me, dude. It wasn't cancer, it wasn't the flu, okay it wasn't anything like disease or some shit!" I was yelling now "I-I killed her. I hit her with my car. IT'S MY FAULT SHE'S GONE." I was screaming hysterically now "There are too many innocent people killed because of me. That attorney lady, Miranda, my sister, Ron, James Smith victims, Camo, Marie's dad, and probably more, I've lost count. There blood is on my hands." The bartender stared at me as if I was some kind of animal "I think you need to calm down, brotha."
"I think you should probably go now, brotha."
"Seriously do you have any mental issues or something cause your starting to freak me out?" This dude had no idea what he was doing, he was just an arrogant kid, begging for attention from the ladies sitting a few seats down, as he grabbed my arm. That was it. "Listen, don't say I didn't warn you."

I reached across the bar, grabbing a bottle of vodka, and cracking it over his head. He was knocked unconscious instantly, then came the bouncers, they really didn't understand what I was capable of when I had a little whiskey in me. They attempted to carry me out, but I got away, managing to snatch a bottle on my out.


Cops were crawling everywhere after those girls made a call about me 'assaulting a defenseless bartender'. But for some reason I wasn't hiding. Instead I sat down on the sidewalk clutching the bottle of whiskey, and I just spoke

"As I walk down these roads
I have no place to go
Chaos behind me
More just up the road
*standing up*
As confused and dazed as I must be
I swear I can see my baby sister she's speaking to me
(Voices in the background:Sir? Sir! Step away from the road!)
Depressions arriving
And my head is a mess
So please forgive me for all I've said in jest
I think it's time, I really should go,
Dear Marie there's one last thing you should know,
I lov-"

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