Chapter 18

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Camila woke up alone in the fort. Where was Lauren?

She stretched and immediately burrowed herself underneath the covers once she felt how cold it was. What the heck had she left the A/C at? Was it like -20 degrees or something?

She wanted to stay snuggled up in the covers, but she knew that if she could find Lauren that she could snuggle up with her and be even warmer. So she awkwardly crawled out of the fort and grabbed one of the fuzzy purple blankets that she'd been curled up in and wrapped around herself. She grabbed some warm socks to wear and shuffled her way down the hall in search of her...Lauren. Her Lauren? That sounded really nice actually. Yes, she went off in search of her Lauren.

She felt a little warmer now that she was moving around, but she couldn't help imagining what she looked like right now. She probably resembled a purple penguin with how she was shuffling around.

Where was Lauren so she could stop comparing herself to cute little arctic creatures?

It wasn't until she reached the family room that she noticed Lauren outside by the pool. How on earth did Lauren feel comfortable enough to put her feet in cold water when it was freezing? Or maybe there was just something wrong with Camila. Had she become anemic overnight? That didn't seem too unordinary. It wouldn't be the first time she'd gotten sick with something awful. When she was little, she'd managed to catch walking pneumonia and she honestly thought she was going to die. She couldn't imagine what full-on pneumonia felt like.

She shook off the thought and decided to meet Lauren outside, opening the sliding doors to the backyard and shuffling out.

It was noticeably warmer outside, but she was still recovering from how cold it was inside, so she kept the blanket around her and made her way over to Lauren. The older girl didn't seem to notice her and was swishing her legs through the water as she stared off into the distance. It wasn't until Camila reached her and plopped down in a fuzzy purple blob on the pavers that Lauren noticed her.

The older girl immediately burst out laughing. Camila wasn't sure what she was laughing at specifically. It could've been her position or her messy hair or how bundled up she was or possibly her embarrassing banana socks. Heck, it could've been all of those things combined. Regardless, it was nice to hear Lauren's laughter after the previous night. Camila had never seen the green-eyed girl so sad before and she had been worried the negative feelings would carry over to today. Luckily, that wasn't the case and Camila smiled widely at that.

She lifted part of the blanket over her head to form a hood so her hair wouldn't be too noticeable, but Lauren just found it funnier.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just.." Lauren didn't finish the sentence as she was giggling too much.

Okay, yeah, she got it. She looked ridiculous. It was nothing to bust a spleen over. Geez.

Finally Lauren calmed down enough to talk and Camila scooched closer to her...for warmth of course, not for any other reason.

"You look like a fuzzy purple chicken nugget."

A what?

Camila snorted at the strange comparison. "What the heck kind of chicken nuggets have you been eating, you weirdo?"

Lauren just shook her head fondly at the girl, lifting her feet from the water and turning to sit facing Camila. She had her legs crossed indian style and Camila took the opportunity to admire just how good her legs looked in those shorts. Like did she run often? Ride a bike? They were very toned and smooth and...wait a minute. The younger girl looked up and yep, Lauren was looking at her, seemingly quite amused.

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