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Steve and Sodapop were bored out of their minds. Darry was reading the newspaper, Two-Bit was laying on the couch with a hangover, Ponyboy and Johnny were upstairs reading a book, and Dally was somewhere other than here.

Sodapop and Steve were in the kitchen sitting at the table.

"I'm so bored!" Sodapop said.

"Me too." Steve agreed.

"Well what are we gonna do?"

Steve thought for a minute.

"Let's do the ice cream challenge."

"The what?!" Soda asked.

"The ice cream challenge, we have to eat ice cream until someone gives." He explained.

"Seems legit."

Steve walked over to the freezer and got a big tub of ice cream out. Soda got the bowls and spoons. They sat everything on the table and sat down.

"Ready?" Steve asked.

"Ready." Soda answered.

They both got their bowls and filled them with ice cream. They needed a referee so they called in Two-Bit.

"What? I told you I have a hangover and I'm not in the mood." He grumbled.

"We need you to judge our ice cream eating contest." Soda said.

"Fine. On your mark, get set, go." Steve and Sodapop crammed ice cream in their mouths. They finished their first bowls and got second ones. After a while, they got tired of putting ice cream in their bowls, so they just started eating out of the tub.

"Come on guys, it's been an hour." Two-Bit complained. Soda and Steve were tired of eating ice cream, but neither of them wanted to lose. After another hour the ice cream was gone.

"Darry, get another tub of ice cream." Soda said sickly. Then, he turned pale and passed out.

"Soda!" Steve yelled. He passed out too.

When they woke up they were laying in Ponyboy and Sodapop's bed. They both felt sick.

"I think I'm gonna puke." Steve said. He then rushed out of the room into the bathroom and puked his guts out. When he got done Soda went in and puked (Poor guys). They were both sick and had to stay in bed. Ponyboy had to sleep on the couch the next two days, he was very upset with Steve after that. They ate soup and drunk a lot of fluids and after a while they were back to their usual crazy selves.

"Ok, let's not do the ice cream challenge anymore." Steve said.

"Defiantly." Soda agreed. "But we should do the hot sauce challenge."

"Yeah!" Steve yelled.

To Be Continued...

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