Hot Sauce

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"Hot Sauce"

Sodapop's POV

Steve and I sat at the kitchen table, watching each other. Staring into each other's eyes, we both picked up out hot sauce bottles.

"On the count of three." Steve said.

"One." He counted.

"Two." I said.

"Three!" We screamed in unison.

Taking the bottle and placing my lips on it, I chugged the hot sauce. It stung my throat, but I kept swallowing. I had to beat Steve.

I came to about a quarter of the bottle and had to stop. My stomach was bubbling. I put the bottle down and grabbed my stomach. I knew what was gonna happen.

I tried to run for the bathroom, and luckily made it just in time. I let it all go. I threw up for about thirty seconds before Steve came running in and pushing me over. Both of our head were over the toilet.

Finally, I had stopped. I slowly it up and started walking to the kitchen. I shakily grabbed a glass and got some water. I was shaking the whole time while drinking the water. Half of the glass dripped down my face instead of going onto my mouth. Oh well.

Soon, Steve came back into the kitchen. I gave him a cup of water. Ad he drank, I said: "Let's not do that ever again."

He nodded. "That was as worse as the ice cream eating competition."

I shivered at the thought of our last competition. One of my worst memories.

"Let this be the end of this." I said.

He agreed. "Let's shake on it."

We grabbed each others hands and shook. And that was that. No more competitions...maybe.

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