Chapter 1

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Killua and Gon make their way unhappily to the doctor's office.

Killua was unhappy because Gon had forced him to come to the doctor's office with him after he had developed a persistent cough that wouldn't go away and he had been unable to breathe and passed out. Killua had no idea why that had happened but he was in no way sick. He couldn't be. He had been trained to be immune to practically every poison known to man and his body was trained to fight off sickness, so Killua just didn't see the point in visiting the doctor.

Gon was unhappy because Killua had been so reluctant to come and he was afraid for his friend. What if Killua was sick, that would mean that whatever was ailing his friend was very serious. Gon had finally convinced his friend to come after threatening not to go on any missions with him until they knew what was wrong.

There was a slight drizzle of rain and the sun seemed reluctant to come out from its blanket of clouds. The air was cool but not cold, but the tireless wind made it feel more like freezing. The sound of thunder echoed in the distance. Both of the boys shivered at the depressing weather.

The sharp, and overwhelming sterilized smell of cleaning materials wafted to Gon's sharp nose before he had even made it to the large glass doors. It made him scrunch up his nose and breathe lightly through his mouth.

After Gon checked in with the front desk he sat by Killua in front of the fish tanks. Gon went on to happily name each of the species of fish, their origin, and their eating habits, trying to lighten the mood between them. Killua was silently looking down at his feet. Any stranger who had to guess why would say Killua was mad at his friend and that was the reason he wasn't speaking to him, but Gon knew better.

Killua was afraid.

He was afraid that it wouldn't be just some freak accident that only occurs once in a life time. Killua was afraid that he was sick, ill, unwell. Just the thought that his body was infected by some kind of disease made him shiver and move on to another thought quickly. And although it was highly unlikely, Killua was afraid that while he was sick Gon would go on adventures without him. He was afraid that his best friend would leave him behind and not return because he was weak. Killua didn't know how wrong he was.

The cheerful nurse opened the door to the waiting room and called out a name. Collins. Killua and Gon stood and made their way over to the nurse. Though Killua's last name wasn't Collins it was the name he used when necessary. He couldn't exactly use his real last name because he was from a family of assassins and he didn't like having to explain to everyone, every time that he was no longer a part of that family.

When they entered Gon noticed that there were no windows in the small four walled room. A sink and green counter occupied one side of the room, and an examination table on the other. Two dark blue chairs resided on the third side and door rested in the last wall. The walls were white-washed and plain without a hint of dirt, the only color in the entire room was that of the counter and chairs.

Gon took a chair and Killua took a seat on the examination table. The nurse looked in the back of his throat, in his ears and nose, and took his temperature. She then began to check his breathing with her stethoscope. She made a face when Killua's ragged breathe in turned into a violent fit of coughs and wrote something down on her nurse's sheet. She gathered her things and left hurriedly after saying the doctor would be in shortly.

The look and rapid notes the nurse took made Killua even more nervous and fearful than before and he looked away from Gon, finding a sudden interest in the ceiling above him. Trying to hide his feelings, and to the untrained eye, succeeding.

Though the nurse had made Killua nervous, she had frightened Gon possibly more than Killua. What was wrong with his best friend? How could he make his friend better? Even though Gon had many friends and loved all of them, Killua was different. Killua was on a level with his Aunt Mito, who was practically the only family he had left. After all, he was the first and only friend that Gon had his age, which in turn meant that Killua understood him best. Gon's stomach twisted in anticipation as they waited for the doctor to come in.

"Alright boys." The doctor said as he entered a few minutes later. "I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer truthfully." Silver and black hair bobbed simultaneously.

"How long have you had a cough?"

"A week or two." Killua answered.

"A month or two." Gon corrected.

Killua gave him a look that said whatever but understood that he needed to take this more seriously. The doctor took down a few notes and then addressed the both of them again.

"Does it hurt to breathe deeply?"

Killua looked at the doctor and nodded reluctantly.

"Is your voice hoarse or ruff?" Gon nodded to the doctor in confirmation. "Have you coughed up any blood or red spit?"

Gon turned to Killua, a look of fear in his eyes. Killua now looked at his feet that dangled off the side of the table. That was one of the questions he had been hoping to avoid. It had been challenging enough to hide the blood from his friend but lying to him was the worst part. Usually he didn't have a problem with lying, but when it came to Gon it was like he could read Killua's thoughts, and Killua always felt guilty in the end. He had only gotten away with hiding the fact because his friend hadn't directly asked the question.

The former assassin nodded his head slowly, hiding his eyes with his hair.

This was new to Gon. If he had known he'd have dragged his butt down here sooner. Much sooner.

"Okay, Mr. Collins, I would like to do a screening on your lungs to check for any diseases." Killua nodded his head but didn't uncover his eyes.

"Do you know what it is?" Asked Gon. The doctor sighed as if he had been hoping the question wouldn't be asked.

"There are many possibilities, but the one that seems to be most likely is," He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before continuing.

"Lung Cancer.

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