Chapter 3

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For the second time this week Killua and Gon walked down the sidewalk on a cold and dreary day to the doctor's office. And also for the second time their feelings were the same.


At first neither had really wanted to know what it was that had all but consumed their thoughts. (And Killua's lungs) Sometimes naïveté was simpler. Sometimes. But, as the days dragged on without any word on Killua's condition, curiosity and dread fought viscous battles between the boys' psyche.

Curiosity of what the sickness was.

Dread of finding out.

In those few days Gon and Killua were drained mentally. It was as if all of their thoughts were running a marathon non-stop for days. Sleep was becoming scarce and their bodies were paying for it. Now they had grown weary of naïveté and needed answers to their inquiries before they went insane with unanswered questions.

Before this stupid problem, thought Killua, I could talk easily with Gon. Now every time we have a reasonable conversation, I can't so much as clear my throat without getting a worried look from him. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. Let's get the stupid results and fix whatever the heck is causing trouble.

Transmuter and emitter walked through the doors and checked in with Killua's fake name. They sat in front of the fish tank again and lost themselves in their thoughts, which seemed to be the usual now.

I hope to god Killua doesn't have cancer. I'm so worried about him that I can barely think about anything else. But I suppose that would be normal when it comes to cancer. Not that it is cancer....

Gon's thoughts continued along like a runaway train, not stopping or slowing, but becoming more and more frightened the longer they continued on that track.


The nurse had caught both of the Hunters off guard. Which was new to both of them. But neither of them let the slightly depressed tone of her voice slip by. Her eyes also had a bit of pity residing in them. The boy's followed her to their doctor's office instead of the examination room.

When they entered the doctor was reading a file inside of a manila folder. He quickly put the folder aside and gestured to the two chairs in front of his desk. The boys sat and got comfortable in the cushiony chairs.

A strange smell permeated the air. Not going unnoticed by either of the boy's. It must be some sort of medicine the doctor has, they both assumed.

"I have the results from the screening and blood tests. I felt that I should tell you in person instead of over the phone that, Mr. Collins, you have Lung cancer in your right lung."


He has cancer.

My Best friend in the entire world has cancer and might...

I have cancer.

I might end up six feet down because of a sickness.

"You are lucky though."

Sapphire blue and caramel brown shot up to meet the doctor's gray-green eyes. Hope sparked into life, small at first, but growing steadily with each passing second.

"We found the disease in its early stages and is much easier to cure than if you had waited, say, another week to see what was wrong. We can do a surgery to remove the cancer at the hospital and do chemotherapy once a month to make sure that it doesn't come back."

The hope that once was a spark was now a fire, burning brightly in the boys' eyes.

Gon shot Killua an 'I told you everything would be fine' look and Killua rolled his eyes. The doctor went on to explain what would happen in the surgery, how long it would take, and who would get paid for doing it.

Gon stopped the doctor and told him that their friend was going to be the one performing the surgery (after being interrupted by a hacking cough) and that they didn't need any surgeons other than Leorio. It was strange, but the doctor seemed slightly annoyed by this.

"Fine," he said in a quick tempered tone. "I think that concludes our business. Get out." The doctor's aura had become hostile and unfriendly.

Killua and Gon left with haste. They exited the offices without a nurse escort. Once they found their way out onto the sidewalk they began to discuss the obvious.

"It's cancer." Killua said dumbly.

"It's fixable." Gon stated matter-of-factly. "You'll be absolutely fine. Leorio will do his thing and you'll be back to normal."

"We should get going." Killua said and began to walk up the sidewalk, hands in his pockets.

"I'll call Leorio and see if he can come here or if we should go to him." Gon said and pulled out his beetle phone. He dialed Leorio's number and jogged a bit to catch up with Killua and waited for Leorio to pick up the phone.

While he started up a conversation, catching up with the surgeon, Killua lost himself in his thoughts.

I have cancer. Gon dragged me to the doctors just in time. I will survive this sickness because of Gon. Gon is light, as usual.

"Yeah." Gon said to Leorio after they had caught up. "Well, we've got a problem over here." Gon looked at Killua as he said the dreaded words. "Killua is sick... Yeah it's pretty serious... Lung cancer... Yeah, we're kind of broke... Really! Yeah, that'd be great... Thank you Leorio, and can you get the message to Kurapika... Thanks, Bye!"

Gon looked to Killua with a beaming smile, and Killua's mood lightened ever so slightly.

"Leorio said that he just finished with a surgery and was looking for his next job so we called with perfect timing! He'll be flying here in two days and he'll do the surgery!"

Killua smiled and nodded his head in confirmation. They continued on their way as Gon began to tell Killua about how Leorio was soon to be a one star hunter. Leorio had saved so many lives of young children in poor areas that it seemed only fitting. When the parents would ask what they could do to repay him he would simply reply that, 'life is priceless and no money amount could be put to your child's life.' He had really become quite popular.

It sounds like Leorio finally got what he wanted. Good for him.

When they finally reached the apartment they fell heavily onto the couch in front of the small TV. It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders, replaced by a smaller less concerning one. Usually it was the other way around for cancer patients and their loved ones, but for Gon and Killua that wasn't the case.

Oddly enough it was almost like they were at ease with the information. The stress of not knowing had been enough to completely drain them. But now they knew what was wrong and were able to fix it.

But with what consequences?

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