Chapter 7

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Gon hugged Killua like the world was ending for a while, but he eventually relinquished his grip on him. He resigned himself to contently holding the former assassin's hand tightly and tracing random patterns about it. The nurse came and ripped Gon away, thoroughly pissing Killua off.

She was poisoning him. She was forcibly removing Gon. She was being a bitch. He could imagine himself just punching her right in the face, watching as the light in her eyes faded and she passed out. That was when Killua's fingers twitched. A small movement but still a huge achievement. Killua realized then that he had been trained against this poison, whatever it was. His body just needed to heal up before he could effectively beat the crap out of a certain nurse.

With the poison continuously pumping into his body it would be harder heal up though. He would need a way to get rid of. Being unable to move posed as a challenge. He would have to come up with something before the end of tomorrow.

The nurse returned and replaced his bag of poison. This time though the world didn't fade as quickly and he was able to grasp a scent. The scent of toxins.


Gon returned home to the apartment. He had no idea how he was going to pay rent if Killua didn't wake up tomorrow, but that was okay. He would sleep on the streets if he had to. No matter what, he would save his best friend.

Killua is awake. Sort of.

Gon grabbed the handle to the fridge and tugged it open. Mustard, pickles, lettuce, and half a tomato.

Oh yeah, I ate everything else yesterday. Well...

He looked to the counter and saw an un-opened loaf of bread.

I guess I'll just have a sandwich without the meat.

Gon quickly made a sandwich of lettuce, pickles, mustered, and a tomato slice. He took a generous bite and thought to himself,

I've had worse.

He finished his meal quickly and followed it with a glass of water. It was late now, almost midnight, so he entered the white door on the right and laid down to get some sleep. He let his worries and concerns about Killua fall as his conciseness slipped into oblivion.

The next day Gon awoke before the sun. He yawned and got ready for the morning. Ten minutes before visiting hours began he left the apartment and made his way down to the hospital. The sun was now just beginning to rise over the horizon and few people had made their way out to the sidewalks yet.

The morning was pleasantly warm with a slight breeze running through the buildings. The early sunlight was gently shining upon the ground and the trees lining the sidewalk scattered the light, making pretty little patterns and shapes on the sidewalk.

Gon breathed in the fresh air of the morning. It smelled of cherry blossoms. Then the sharp scent of the hospital interrupted the gentle beauty of the morning. Gon hated the smell of the hospital but, he was going to go in whether he liked the smell or not.

When he entered he waved to the nurse at the front desk and made his way up to the fourth floor. The elevator ride seemed to be excruciatingly slow and he regretted not taking the stairs.

Oh well.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. At the same time the door to the stairs opened and a blond male wearing blue tribal clothes emerged from the stair well.

"Kurapika!" Gon exclaimed. He ran over to his friend and began talking rapidly to the dazed chain user. He told him about everything, filling him in about Killua being able to hear him (politely leaving out the part where Killua cried because Gon knew how he liked to seem like he was tough and didn't care about anything sometimes)

By the time Gon finished he was out of breath and on the verge of tears.

"Killua still hasn't woken up, Kurapika. What if he never wakes up?" Gon murmured, surprising even himself with these words. Usually he was so optimistic.

"Gon, do you know if he might be awake now?"

Gon lifted himself out of his dark thoughts and smiled. He led the way down the hall at a quick pace. When they reached Killua's room Gon paused for just a second, hand on the door handle, then he opened the door to see his best friend the same as he left him.

Killua's head laid on a white pillow, silver hair tousled about, and thin hospital sheet was thrown over his resting body. His breathing was slow and steady not faltering or jumping in any way. Gon's spirits fell but didn't break. You could never break Gon's spirit.

"Morning Killua." Gon said cheerily. "Kurapika came to visit you today." They both entered the room and sat in the chairs around the hospital bed.

Oh, Kurapikas here? I thought that he had a lead on one of the phantom brigade members though.

"Oy, Kurapika, I thought you were busy with the phantom brigade." Gon said, almost as though he and Killua had synced thoughts.

"Yeah, I got a lead and it led me here. I thought that I should visit for a while since I don't know the next time I'll be able to. Gon-"

"GRRRR..." Gon's stomach rumbled loudly, cutting off Kurapika.

"Umm, are you hungry?"

"Haha, yeah, just a lot." Gon laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck in an embarrassed movement. Kurapika laughed lightly at him.

"I didn't have breakfast either. Do you want to go grab something to eat?"

"No, I can't leave Killua. He might get lonely."

It's okay Gon, you obviously need to eat something. Don't go starving yourself for me stupid.

A sad smile spread across Kurapika's face and his bluish-silver eyes shone. He was most definitely Killua's best friend.

"How about this? I'll go grab some to go breakfast for us both and then we can eat it here, that sound good?" Gon nodded his head vigorously.

Of course Kurapika would think of a solution that Gon would agree on too.

"Alright any requests?" He asked, standing.

"Hamburgers." Gon said instantaneously. He even said it with a straight face. Kurapika raised an eyebrow but shrugged his shoulder and turned and left.

Gon turned his attention back to Killua. He picked up his hand and held it as usual. He began to describe the morning to his best friend.

Gon stopped his description abruptly though as he felt an uneasy and slightly hostile aura approach the hospital room. The door to the room creaked open slowly and before it could open all the way Gon used Zetsu and darted behind the door to catch the intruder by surprise.

Killua's former doctor, Mr. Smith entered the room.


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