Chapter 9

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Gon now rested in the hospital. The doctor had patched him up and given him more blood. Now he was sleeping soundly. The doctor said that everything would be fine and that he would wake up soon. As soon as Killua had known that Gon would be okay he set off to find a certain nurse.

The bag Gon had brought with him had a pair of Killua's clothes. Presumably so that if he woke up he would have clothes other that the hospital gown. He had told Kurapika and the sleeping Gon that he would be back shortly and set off. Few words had been said between Killua and Kurapika, he had only informed him of what had happened to Gon.

Now cloaked in Zetsu he made his way covertly down the maze of halls to the break room. There was a single doctor but no sign of the nurse he sought out. He made his way to the receptionist area and was about to turn a corner when a familiar scent drifted to his senses. Though his nose wasn't as strong as Gon's it was still more powerful than an average persons. But that didn't really matter because the smell was so incredibly potent. He turned back and followed the scent to another hospital room.

He peered through the door and saw a little girl resting on a white hospital bed. The nurse was just finishing changing out the poison bag. She had brown hair and dark brown eyes. No one was in the room with the 'sleeping' girl other than the nurse. Killua supposed that the girl still had her senses and would be able to hear him if burst in so he decided to wait.

How many more people has she poisoned?

She finished and left the room. She was carrying three more bags with her. Killua tailed her for a bit and waited for a quiet spot to interrupt her. His chance came when a supply closet in an empty corridor was left slightly ajar.

He waited until she was right beside the door then shoved her into the room. He locked the door behind him and smiled in satisfaction when he saw that two of the three bags had burst when the nurse had fallen to the ground.

"What the Hell! Who do-" Her words froze in her mouth, unspoken, when she saw the boy in the doorway. He was the former comatose boy. Former cancer patient. He was the boy who she had been poisoning for the past few days. He was the boy with hazy blue eyes, devoid of feeling. He was the boy that was slowly advancing on her with a menacing aura that was coming out in vicious waves.

He made his way down the hall slowly. A piece of crumpled paper had a list of names and rooms sloppily scrawled down the side. He had made his way to fifteen of the twenty three rooms so far. Only eight more to go.

He looked down at the small smear of blood on the paper. The nurse had gotten what she had deserved. Sadly Killua had not killed her. He didn't know how Gon would react to that. He probably wouldn't have been too upset, she had been poisoning not only Killua, but twenty three other people. No he hadn't killed her, but she wouldn't be causing any more trouble. That was for sure.

She hadn't had any information about the doctor's current whereabouts. All she knew was that she switched the normal bags for poison ones when the patient was at risk for comatose. The family would pay the extra fee for a while and then she would switch them back till they woke up. She got a third of the money for her trouble. She would be leaving within the hour with the police as soon as they got here do to an anonymous tip.

He approached the next room and saw that it was the little girl he had seen earlier. When he went in he checked the chart beside her bed. He flipped it to the beginning and searched for the date. It looked like she had been like this for three months. He put the chart back on to the table and manipulated his hand into claws. He slashed open the bag and watched as it drained to the floor.

You've been fighting for a while but you can stop now.

Seven more to go.

Killua returned to Gon's room, ignored Kurapika, sat next to Gon's bed, and grabbed his hand. Gon had appeared to be sleeping with his eyes closed and his breathing even, but in reality he had been awake for the past five minutes and had found it challenging to open his eyes. So he had just kept them closed while strength and blood began to build up within him, when Killua had come in. Killua was quite surprised when Gon opened his innocent eyes and looked at him for a second before pulling his hand out of Killua's to throw a huge hug around his shoulders.

"Killua! You're awake!" he cried happily. Killua was stunned for a second before he returned the hug and told his best friend,

"You were the one who was asleep just a few second ago, ding bat."

"But you were asleep longer!" Gon said as he pulled back to look into Killua's eyes. "I was afraid you wouldn't wake up."


"But you did!" He said, his tanned face brightening. Killua noticed a single red cut running horizontal across Gon's face.

"Gon, I am so sorry." He said as he held Gon's cheek and ran his pale thumb across the wound.

"It wasn't your fault Killua." Gon said as he subconsciously leaned into Killua's hand. Killua didn't move his hand away. A small smile played at Killua's lips and Gon's heart fluttered, the devil that had been on his shoulder was wrong. He could see his best friend's lovely deep blue eyes light up with that smile.

"I could hear everything you told me after the fourth day, Gon."

"I knew when I saw you cry with me." Gon's eyes darted to where Kurapika's chair was and saw that it was now vacant. "I missed your smile." Killua's face turned a deep crimson and for a second neither of them moved, they were absolutely still as they stared into each other's eyes.

"And I missed yours." Gon searched Killua's eyes for a second then shut his own and closed the short space between them, kissing him lightly on the lips. The silver haired boy hesitated for a second, eyes wide, and then he kissed him back.

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