Chapter 10

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Kurapika joined the two about fifteen minutes after their kiss with two paper bags containing burgers, and three milkshakes. One chocolate and the other two vanilla. When he had walked in they were simply holding hands and talking quietly to each other. The only difference was that Killua was sitting next to Gon on the bed, squished up against his side in the small shared space.

Killua blushed when Kurapika pointedly stared at their entwined hands and his sapphire gaze wouldn't hold his silver stare. Gon didn't seem to mind at all and he just contentedly greeted the Kurta, all the while holding his best friend/boyfriend's hand. Kurapika blinked.

It's about time they got together. Everyone else could see it, and now they finally do too.

Kurapika gave Gon a paper bag and a vanilla milkshake. Killua received the chocolate milkshake.

"Hey! How come Gon gets a burger and I don't?" He called as Kurapika took a seat across from the bed. Gon opened the bag and pulled out the contents, two large hamburgers. "Two!" Killua exclaimed.

"Because Gon lost a lot of blood and has to regain his strength by eating. He needs it. You, on the other hand, just woke up from a coma a few hours ago after being tube fed for a week. If you gorge yourself on solid foods you'll puke." Kurapika stated as he pulled out his own food and began eating.

"Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense." The ex-assassin said. He took a sip of his milkshake.

Mmm, Chocolate.

He was content with his chocolate milkshake. He looked over to Gon and saw that he had already inhaled his first sandwich and was halfway through the second. His eyes widened a bit but he said nothing as he had attacked his now empty milkshake the same way. But it was chocolate so of course it wouldn't have lasted long in Killua Zoldyck's possession.

"So why was that doctor attacking you in the first place?" Kurapika asked, getting straight to the point. Killua tossed his empty cup into the trash can across the room.

"He was going to do something to Killua so that he wouldn't wake up so I tried to stop him."

"You did stop him." Killua stated. "That doctor had been drugging me. The nurse that would drag you away would switch out the bags she got from the doctor." Killua said matter-of-factly.

"He had been poisoning you the whole time!"

"Yeah, I think it was some sort of paralyzing toxin that-"

"Wait," Kurapika cut in, "what did you say this doctor's name was?" Killua looked to Gon who had found the doctor in the first place.

"Harold... something." Gon said, drawing a blank.

"Harold Smith?"

"Yeah that's it! Harold Smith." Gon shouted.

"Gon, did I tell you about why I was here?"

"You had a lead that led you here."

"Yes, and that lead was that the Phantom brigade member I'm after was selling some drugs on the side to earn some extra cash. The name of the person the member was selling to is Harold Smith."

"So the Phantom Brigade had a hand in this. Sort of." Killua said quietly. Gon had a tendril of smoke exiting either side of his head as his brain took the twists and turns of the conversation one by one.

"Kurapika, we're going to help you find the doctor. Then we're going to return the favor." Killua gestured to the hospital room. Kurapika nodded his head, a determined look hardening his features.

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