Date: September 28, 2016
Time: 11:42 A.M.
POV: VioletI was on my way to Andy's house. It was a fifteen minute drive, and I would miss 4th period, but I didn't care. Andy was my best friend and I'd put him before anything.
"Do you really think it's a good idea to skip school for a house filled with cops?" Oh yeah, Felix was with me too. "It doesn't matter. Andy has been my best friend for 7 years. The police can't touch me." There was an awkward silence. "My best friend." Felix said. "Don't even start."
We got to the house and we seen that down the street, there was a big blood splosh on the road. "Well I wonder who that was..." I said sarcastically.
Andy was angry. He wasnt sad, he was pissed. Felix and I sat next to him on his bed.
"I'm gonna find this son of a bitch. He killed my sister."
"No." I told him. "We'll find him."Pov: Andy Cooper
"Thanks for the offer, but I'm sure I have a purpose." "Andy, we all have a purpose." Felix argued. "Okay then Mr.Know it all, tell me how YOU think this is gonna end."
"Well, in Stab 4, there was a boy who lost his younger sister to the killer." "Blake? That was a coincidence." I added. Violet jumped in. "It's no coincidence. Afterwards, his best friends Mandy and Isaac helped him track down the killer. Which in this case, Felix and I are Mandy and Isaac." Felix was impressed that she knew that. "Thanks, Violet. But anyway, the killer is not remaking Stab, he's taking scenes from all 8 Stab films and mashing them up to make one big stab movie." Both Violet and I were confused. "Okay. For instance, the film he's making started off with the intro to Stab 3 with Tyra and Scott. After, he used Alee and us for Stab 4. So what will he do from Stab 5?" We all looked at eachother, nervous. "Well..." Violet chimed. "Whatever it is, it has to follow us teaming up. Think about it, is there anyone that relates to a dead Stab 5 character?" I thought hard about this. "What about Tyler? The douchebaggy ex of the main girl. Luke was the 3rd person to die in Stab 5 and he was just like Tyler." Felix was making sure I didn't jump to conclusions to soon. "Or Buffy. In Stab 5, Erica was the third wheel character just like her and she died before Tyler."
Violet looked through my movie drawer and pulled out Stab 5. "Until we finish watching Stab 5, we have no clue." "You think we have time to watch this damned movie? They could die any minute!" Felix was trying to start a fight with Vi.
"Felix stop," i finally told him. "Maybe we are wrong. Maybe the Stab theory is coincidental. But we need to watch this to find more clues over who is next. Just in case."
Felix shut up. "Well I think we should make sure we dont give into reenacting the Stab films. Except for teaming up. Thats how we reensure our safety."
"Felix." Violet hissed at him. "That did not work out for Blake, Mandy and Isaac. Mandy ended up with an axe to the boob and Isaac was the killer. Meanwhile, Blake ended up living to see Stab 6. Felix, I did not expect you to slip up."
Felix was embarrassed. "You did not let me finish. I was gonna say we should do something that wasn't performed in the franchise. To stump the killer. If he is off script, he won't know what to do." I grew happy. "Felix you're a genuis!" I grabbed him and kissed him on the forehead. "But how do you plan on doing it?" "We should recruit people he wouldn't expect." "Like who?" "I'd tell you, but since you wanna watch Stab 5, I'll wait until the end."
End Of Chapter 5
Scream 5: A Whole New Stab
FanficSet in Gainesville Maine, 5 years after the 4th Woodsboro massacre. A new wave of fresh-faced teenagers are rocked by the tragic news that the school's hottest couple was ruthlessly murdered. Soon after, more friends drop dead and the gang is set to...