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Okay so I'm publishing this story all at once. There will be triggers so I'm saying that here instead of putting it on the start of chapters. I have wanted to write something in this style for absolutely ages and I've had this idea for months so yeah I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Watch out for dates and stuff otherwise it could get a little confusing.
Anyways enjoy reading and any votes/comments would be mega appreciated !!!

Dear Dan,
I've never had a pen pal before, well in fact I have never really had a friend before, well, not properly anyway. Apparently it's beacause I'm too shy, that's what everyone always says, but in all honesty everyone at school just seem like complete idiots or are stupid bullies. I prefer to run away into books when everyone else is talking to eachother, I'm a complete book worm to be honest. Some people say that that's a good thing, and that I'll be super smart one day, although I don't understand how that's going to make me smart. I tried to write my own book last week in this old black leather note book that I found underneath a park bench. It smelt weird and had loads of phone numbers scribbled down in it, so I ripped those out and began writing my story, however this mean boy at school found it and then snatched it away from and began reading my story out to the entire class. Everyone laughed at me and I almost cried until I remembered that I am a big boy now, and daddy said that big boys never cry. Ever.
I really hope you read my letter and then write back to me, that is of course if you want to. I was hoping that we could write to each other every week cause then it will be like I actually have a friend even though you live on the other side of the country.

Love from,
Phil Lester.
1st January, age 10
Ps. If your not Daniel Howell and I got the adress wrong, I'm sorry.


Dear Dan,
Happy new year!!! Anyway at our new years party my Aunt Clara got completely drunk, and then asked if I was a girl or a boy! She then tried to make me drink champagne (eeew gross). It wasn't as fun as I thought it might be, and all the adults where ill in the morning so I had to make my own lunch. I put three fish fingers in the oven but I forgot about them and the when I came back 30 minutes later they where all burnt and disgusting, although as I was really hungry I ate them anyway and it really wasn't good. How was your new year?
I just realised something! We've been writing to eachother every single week for an entire year now! My Dad said writing to you so often was weird and that I needed to get some proper friends, but I said that you where a proper friend and he just laughed at me. I get my Mum to post the letters now. In all honesty I think you're the best friend anyone could ask for, and I super duper mean that. How cool would it be if we could meet up one day, like in real life. I asked my mum and she said that you lived too far away so as soon as I can get there on my own I'm going to come visit. That's a promise.

Phil, 1st January age 11
Ps. I mean that promise, properly. It's not one of those fake promises that you give adults when they tell you not to eat or touch something. It's a 100% genuine Phil promise.


Dear Dan,
I have decieded that secondary school is not fun. I have been going now since September and everyone says that I'll settle into it and it will get better and then I'll make loads of friends. But like a lot of things adults say aren't true, and I'm sure this is one of those things. It wasn't like I had any friends at school anyway, but now even the people that would say hi to me in the hallways and stuff just completely ignore me, I kinda feel invisible. Still at least my grades are alright I suppose. Anyway I have decieded that this years new years resolution is not to let people at school pick on me, my Dad said I should just punch them in the face, although that won't make me better than the bullies. Maybe I should just completely ignore them? Still I have another week until I go back to school and I plan on making the most of my freedom.
Also my Dad wants me to join a football team and I simply can not think of anything worse. I completely fail at anything sport related, and all the boys that play football are loud stupid idiots. I'm not sure how long I can have a twisted ankle for until my Dad starts getting suspicious.
Also it is now the two year anniversary of our friendship which is awesome. That is a lot of letters, and so also a lot of stamps and envolopes so my Dad said that if I want to keep writing to you I have to start paying for the stuff myself, which isn't too bad as its all really cheap. Also last year I said that as soon as I was old enough I'm going to come visit you, and I am still going to stick to that promise if it's the last thing I do.
Phillll !!! 1st January age 12
Ps. Happy new year !!


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