Lunch at The Burrow

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It was coming to the end of Harry and Ginny's honeymoon, with only a few hours left until they had to leave they were trying to make the most of the time they still had.

Ron and Hermione were missing Harry and Ginny but they had enjoyed the time alone and their relationship kept growing. Ron had organised a get together at The Burrow, scheduled for that very same day, when Harry and Ginny would return. He had invited all the Weasley's of course, The Granger's and Neville and Luna.

At The Burrow Mrs Weasley was getting herself into a flap trying to organise all the food and make it perfect for Hermione's parents visit. Every time Mr Weasley tried to help his wife she smacked his hand away or told him he was doing everything wrong. Thankfully Hermione set out the table well and helped put out all the food for her parents, Neville and Luna.

Finally there was a knock at the door.

'Oh, oh! Who could that be, Ron get the door please will you, dear?' Mrs Weasley asked.

Ron nodded and went to check. As he opened the door he saw two smiling faces staring at him.

'Hi, Ron!' Neville and Luna said together, hand in hand.

'Hey, Come in!' Ron replied smiling back politely.

As Luna and Neville got in the door Ron was just about to close the door when he saw Percy closely followed by The Granger's. He had been ordered to collect them and bring them to The Weasley's.

'Ron! Hi Ron, how are you, darling?' Mrs Granger greeted him. Ron blushed

'Afternoon, Mrs Granger!' He finally answered.

Mr Granger shook Ron's hand firmly 'Hello again.' He said kindly.

'Good afternoon, sir.' Ron said shyly.

As they approached the kitchen Mrs Weasley greeted Mr and Mrs Granger with a hug.

'Oh lovely to see you again, both of you! What a pleasure to have you here. Just waiting for Harry and Ginny returning and then we can start lunch!' Mrs Weasley sounded excited to see her daughter again.

'Ah, Ginny, haven't seen her since Hermione's second year at Hogwarts, I bet she's beautiful, just beautiful! Hermione and Ron told us about her and Harry getting married, lovely isn't it? First loves getting married, just like us!' She said to her husband with a massive smile on her face.

Hermione smiled as she spotted her parents. She ran over to hug them and then joined Ron on the sofa.

The hours past and everyone started wondering where Harry and Ginny had gotten to.

'They should be back by now, Arthur.' Mrs Weasley said worried.

'Don't worry, Molly, they will be here soon.' He reassured his wife but couldn't hide the fear in his voice.


'Harry we are already late are you almost ready?' Ginny's voice echoed through the villa.

'Just coming!' Harry replied, as he hurried down the stairs.

'Okay, take my arm Mrs Potter.' Harry smiled.

Just as Ginny was about to take Harry's arm there was a loud knock at the door. They were just going to ignore it but then the knocking got louder, and louder until the person on the other side was almost beating the door down.

'Harry? What do we do?' Ginny said frightened.

'Apparate to The Burrow, now!' Harry ordered.

'No, I'm not leaving you.' Ginny squealed.

Harry hesitated for the moment but Ginny's expression was quite stern.

'Fine, but stay right here, get your wand out, and don't move.' Harry demanded. He then pulled out his own wand and headed for the door.

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