The Unexpected

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'Alright. So the plans all set. Has everyone got their photos of Maddy?' Harry asked confidently before everyone nodded in a synchronised fashion.

'Ron and Hermione, you're checking Diagon And Knockturn Alley. Ginny and I are heading to the Ministry to get some background on her - family, friends, anywhere she could be staying or hiding. Dudley... Well you just stay where you are and hope for the best. There's not much you can do.' Harry admitted.

'And if you don't find her?' Dudley weeped.

'Then we get more help.' Harry said.

'Mate, we catch dark wizards for a living. I'm sure little Nancy won't be too much trouble.' Ron scoffed.

'Maddy, Ron. Her name is Maddy.' Hermione whispered.

'Yeah, right, that.' He replied embarrassed.

'We'll check back here at 8. If we haven't found her by then we're doing something wrong.' Ginny addressed.

'Alright, see you at 8.' Ron replied, and with that all four disapparated leaving Dudley talking to himself and then becoming speechless very quickly.

Ron and Hermione arrived at Diagon Alley pretty sharply and took out the photograph to study it carefully.

'Weird, it's not moving.' Ron squinted his face confused.

'They were trying to hide the fact Maddy was a witch, Ron. Of course the photo isn't moving.' Hermione rolled her eyes.

'Yeah... Right.' Ron shrugged.

Maddy had a fairly pretty face, it was very round, her eyes were wide and bright green and she had very thin lips below her pointed nose. Her poker straight ash blonde hair fell just below her shoulders and she had a very noticeable lip and eyebrow piercing. Mrs Weasley would not approve Hermione internally admitted.

'Right, so where do we start?' Ron asked.

'Honestly! I thought you were supposed to be the auror?' Hermione chuckled 'I say we ask around, see if we find anyone who has seen or knows her, and take it from there.' Hermione continued firmly.

'Alright, let's go.' Ron took Hermione's hand and they headed towards Ollivanders.

Harry and Ginny decided to head to level one of the Ministry and ask the support staff if they had any idea who Maddy was. It was no use.

'Sorry, son. No clue. If I were you I'd head to Level 3 to ask the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. If she's had any medical history they should have a record of it.' A kind gentlemen suggested.

'Thanks.' Harry nodded in appreciation and followed Ginny to the elevators.

Level 3 was extremely busy and Harry had no idea who to ask. Eventually an elder witch strolled past, looking like she needed something to do in Harry's eyes, so he decided to pull her aside.

'Excuse me, mam?' Harry began 'I was wondering if you could help us. We're looking for this young lady. Her name is Maddy Crone?'

The witch studied the picture closely and shook her head.

'I'm sorry, dear, I've never seen this young lady before.' She replied.

'You don't think you could check and see if she has any medical records stored here, do you? Only it's really important. She's missing, you see.' Ginny begged, fluttering her elongated lashes.

The woman looked hesitant at first, before glancing back over to Harry.

'It's Mr Potter isn't it?' She asked, and Harry nodded nervously.

She gave a slight sigh. 'Oh alright then. Follow me.'

The elder woman led Harry and Ginny into a huge room filled with filing cabinets piled up to the ceiling. She pulled out her wand. It looked about 8 inches in length and was extremely slim.

'What did you say her name was again?' The woman asked.

'Maddy. Maddy Crone.' Harry replied.

'Crone, Crone, Crone...' The woman muttered before flicking her wand and extracting a file from one of the top filing cabinets. 'Now. This is confidential, you understand, yes? I really shouldn't be doing this at all, so please, keep it on the hush.' The woman half begged - half demanded.

Harry and Ginny both nodded as the woman handed over the file.

Harry slowly opened the file, and to his delight a photograph with the same girl was attached to the top right. He grinned and let out a sigh of relief before he began to read the file. The grin did not last long. As Harry scanned the file, huge big bold letters wiped the grin clean off his face. 'DECEASED.' He read on rapidly before looking up at Ginny who was waiting in anticipation.

'Ginny... This file says Maddy died 3 years ago.

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