The Job Opportunity

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'No, no, no Bill. I won't let this happen. You can't.' Mrs Weasley burst into tears as she paced up and down the kitchen after hearing Bill and Fleur's news.

Everyone hung their heads sadly, trying to hold back their tears.

'Mum, please. We don't really have a choice and Fleur's homesick.' Bill said feeling extremely guilty.

'You can't just wake up one morning and decide to move your whole life to France. You can't take my beautiful grandchildren away from me.' Mrs Weasley was sobbing hard now.

'Please, mum. It won't be for long. We will be back in a few years and visit as much as possible. Please.' Bill had a tear in his eye now.

He didn't want to move to France but he had been offered a great job opportunity and Fleur was beginning to get homesick. There was a long silence through supper, Mrs Weasley didn't touch her plate.

'So when do you leave?' Ron finally broke the silence.

'Few days.' Bill whispered.

'Oh.' Ron sounded sad now.

'How are you feeling about Bill leaving?' Hermione asked Ron curiously when they arrived back at their own house.

'I'm gutted. I enjoyed him being around more. You know, 'cause Charlie and Percy aren't around much... And Fred... Well.' Ron didn't have to finish his sentence before Hermione took his hand soothingly.

'It's okay, Ron.' Hermione kissed his cheek

'I just want us to have our own family. A family who can't just get up and go wherever they want, a family who'll stay forever...' Ron sounded surprised that he had said such a deep thing, but it just came out like word vomit.

'Our time will come, okay?' Hermione felt her eyes fill up with tears and Ron nodded.

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