A Cramped Burrow

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Baby Fred was coming up for a month old and things at The Burrow were as busy as ever. Mrs Weasley was doing her best to keep on top of things but with lack of space it was difficult. The baby's stuff was everywhere, piled from floor to ceiling and there was barely any space at all.

'There must be something we can do to help.' Hermione said sympathetically as she watched a flustered Mrs Weasley throw pots and pans into the sink whilst feeding Fred II in her arms.

'What can we do though? We've already been babysitting as much as we can?' Ron asked glancing over at an exhausted Angelina passed out on the couch.

'I think that space is the issue. Angelina feels guilty leaving a mess in someone else's house so she cleans as much as she can, as well as looking after Fred II and George AND she's working and practising Quidditch!' Hermione gasped.

'Maybe you just answered your own question, Hermione.' Ginny whispered.

'What do you mean?' Asked Harry as he sat down beside Ginny with four cups of tea and eight biscuits.

'Well, you said space was an issue. And that Angelina feels guilty leaving mess in someone else's house, right?'

'Yeah and?' Ron asked wondering where Ginny was going with this.

'Oh come on, Ron! Not even you can be that stupid. We just need to find them somewhere of their own to live!' Ginny whispered as loudly as she possibly could without waking Angelina.

'That's a brilliant idea! I know just the man who can help, Mr Lionel Frusta, he works part time at The Ministry and he owns a few nice properties up for sale. I think I could speak to him and sweet talk him into a bargain!' Hermione clapped excitedly.

'Great! You and Ginny get in touch with Lionel, and Ron and I will go out and buy some new furniture. If there's any change in plans then find us!' Harry dragged Ron to his feet and in a matter of seconds they were gone.

Hermione and Ginny bounced up out if their seats and headed straight to the kitchen. Ginny grabbed a fairly nice piece of parchment and handed it to Hermione who already had a pen in her hand ready to write. She scribbled a few kind words to Lionel, sealed it, attached it to Pig's leg and she and Ginny sat patiently for a reply.

After a few hours of feeding, changing and keeping young Fred occupied, Hermione caught glimpse of Pig returning - a piece of parchment attached.

'Ginny, Pig's back come on!' Hermione said as Ginny scooped baby Fred up and hurried to the kitchen holding him tightly in her arms.

'Read it out loud!' Ginny gasped impatiently as Hermione opened the letter.

'Hermione, what a pleasure to hear from you. It would be my honour to sell you and your family a home. Please meet me at the address below at 3.30pm. I think you will be most pleased with the house I have picked out for you, and I am sure we can make a good deal from it. Look forward to seeing you. Lionel.'

'Oh brilliant!' Ginny gasped. 'We better get going. We can drop by and pick the boys up, then all go meet Lionel!'

Ginny carefully placed Fred II into his Moses basket beside Angelina and she and Hermione set of to find Ron and Harry.

It wasn't long before they found them, staring at the most disgusting sofa the girls had ever set their eyes on.

'I hope you aren't thinking of buying that!' Ginny squealed 'It's ghastly.'

'No, stupid. We have better taste. Any news on LIONEL?' Ron asked, mocking Mr Frusta's name.

'Yes, as a matter of fact. We are meeting Lionel in ten minutes, so come on!' Hermione grabbed hold of the two boys and they headed off to see the property

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