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It's currently 2pm and I'm sitting at the kitchen table hands folded, legs crossed waiting for my dad to come home.

today I decided to talk to him about getting some help, Kian is in the other room in case anything bad happens, hopefully nothing does.

I hear a door shut, keys shaking, heavy foot steps coming into the kitchen my dad sets his keys on the counter, I swallow the lump in my throat "Hey dad, do you think you can sit down and talk for a second?" I ask

"Sure" He says in a monotone voice, no expression on his face, no sign of a feeling or expression.

"What's up?" He asked

"Well, you know that Ashley and I love you right? and we always want the best for you whatever that may be?" I asked

"Yes of course"

"Well I came to a decison that you should go to a rehab center. Ashley and I love and care and want whats best for you always and we feel as if this is whats good for you right now.

This would be a good chance to help you in life, you go to this center for a while, you get clean, then you can start dating again.

This can help your future out so much dad. I called a place and if you can call them and talk to someone. We just want our old dad back. " I say

" Do I really have a problem?" He asked with such a hoarse voice and teared stained eyes and cheeks. His face was pinkish, but thats normal he is really tan and red in the face all year round.

I nodd

"Do you really think this will help me in the future?"

I nodd

After a few more moments of silence "I'll go" he says

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