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Graduation the biggest thing seniors look forward to besides prom. Graduation means getting out of this hell hole.

Getting rid of the social status that every single person in this school has put you in. Getting out of test, exams, pop quizzes, class presentations, if x= the square root of pie, science experiments.

This is the day every senior looks forward to ever since they stepted into these school halls as a freshmen, four years ago.

I got into the shower and had my phone blasting music, I was playing hype music to be exact. Today is a fun filled day and also sad because right after graduation I'm moving, across the country.

After the shower where I thought of all the possible serniaros where everything could go right or everything could go wrong. I got out and dried off , I put my undergarments on and applied some vanilla lotion to my arms and legs and my feet.

while I was letting the lotion dry I was drying my hair, my hair gets so frizzy when I dry it with my blow dryer after I dried it I have to straighten my hair

I then applied lotion to my face so my concelar can apply smoother, I then applied my concelar and then I put a light powder over it. I then applied a coat of mascara and then put on my eyeliner on my bottom then did a natural look with my eye shadow and put on the liquid liner on top.

I then slipped into my dress which is sheer all on top and the bottom is a black skirt so I had to wear a black bandoue for my bra and the top. My belly button ring shows through the material. I then put on a pair of nude heels.

I took my blue cap and gown out of its bag and put it on " Mandy are you ready yet?" My dad yelled for me. I looked in the mirror I brushed out the wrinkles in my gown and grabbed my phone. I took a quick selfie. And headed down stairs.

Before I walked our of my room I grabbed my Polaroid and purse and out it in my bag and the same with my phone and some lip gloss. Oh shit . I ran back into my bathroom and put on some baby natura pink lip stick.

I walked down the stairs and saw my dad waiting for me. " awe baby girl you look amazing" he kissed the top of my head " I just wish your mom and sister could see this right now. We are all so proud of you and what you have accomplished" he said sadly

my eyes started to water " aww dad don't make me cry" I say and wiped under my eyes to see if my make up smered. My dad attacked me with a hug. The door then swung open.

" hey sorry I'm lat- Am I ringing a moment?" The voice questioned. I pulled apart to see Kian standing at the door I pulled away from the hug with my dad and approached kian.

I pulled Kian into a hug " you look great" he says in my ear. " thanks" I say. I pull my Polaroid out of my bag and asked Kian if he can take a picture of me and my dad. Two of them actually.

One for me.
One for my dad.

Then Kian and I got a picture on the Polaroid and my phone.

One Polaroid for me.
One polroid for Kian.


We got to my highschool, the last time I will see this school again. We all walked towards the football field where the ceramoney is being held . on the vistiting team schools parents usual sit during the game is where all the teachers sit, then the stage is facing the other side of the field where all the parents are sitting.

So basically all the students in caps and gown and the parents are facing the opposing teams bleacher. The teachers and the stage are facing them.

I met up with all of my friends

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