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Both of my parents are dead, and here I am. He looks at me he looks worried and I get him. "You're gonna be okay Sara" he says while letting me lean into his chest, I just cry. The thing is, I feel sad about two human beings who seems not be in any kind of existence, that's not even the worst part. I can't even remember them.

We both remain In silent, we both don't feel the need to say anything. It's all a mess, somehow this strange and mysterious boys seem to have more knowledge about me than I do, it somehow creps me out. With my confusion I ask him "What's your name?", he looks at me with a weird expression but looks up as he raises his body from the bed. "Yea, I guess I didn't introduce myself" he takes his hand through his hair, I've seen him doing it a lot of times whenever he's nervous or obnoxious or something like that. I feel like I know him, yet I don't even know his name.

"My name is Zayn, call me whatever you want to. Babe would be great" he smirks. I laugh, he laughs too. Even his laugh is beautiful, it's like sweet music the ones you imagine in your dreams. He walks towards me, and looks me in the eyes. We both stay silent.

He takes his eyes away from mine, and whispers "Do you remember this?" he moves towards me, slow and careful. Like he's waiting for my reaction, he leans towards my lips as I feel my heart suddenly beating fast, as he attach his lips towards mine slowly, his eyes still closed. I keep my eyes open, while noticing a scar on his face. I wonder how he even got it I wish I knew everything. Everything about him, about our past about the scar. How'd I even end up with this pretty boy. The kiss is soft, not rough as you expect a kiss to be.

The warmth from his mouth got through my body as a strange feeling. This kiss is more beautiful than I've ever thought a kiss would be, we're both broken. A broken kiss. I feel his hands on my face, as I take my hand around his neck and the kiss seems to get rough. As we both seem to be attached to each other's lips. A strange sound started to fill the room, a sound of a clap. We both back away from the kiss.

"Well well, what do we have here Zayn, and?" a boy half laughs, his body looks strong with a lot of muscles. Zayn moves fast towards the strange boy, and push him towards the wall, it seems like Zayn is stronger than him. But it doesn't make sense, the boy seems much stronger than Zayn. Maybe he just won't push him back.

Zayn move his hands towards his face, as he punches it as he tells him, more like orders "Stay away from her, you know what happened to her, so stay the hell away" I guessed the her was me. I backed away. Feeling a bit scared, what does the boy want from me? Who is he? The boy begins to laugh, what is he laughing at? "I know what happened to her, does she know? You told her what you did? You told her how she came to " what was he talking about. Before I got the chance to know Zayn punched him in the face "Zayn, stop please!" I shouted at him. "What was that for?" I almost shout him in the face.

Zayn reaches his hand and take a grab on my arm, he squeezes it as he demands me "Don't listen to anything he says, okay. He's a liar and he wants to hurt you. Don't believe any of the bullshit he could ever possibly let out of his mouth, you get me" I just nod while looking away from him. I have a feeling Zayn is bad at controlling his anger he seems to get in no control when he's angry. And I've only known him for a few hours and yet I know him, he's like a open book. If I could just read in between the pages and not read it from line to line. I need to know what happened in my past, I want to know everything.

I feel scared. I feel obnoxious. Zayn seemed to notice as he takes his hand under my chin and lifts my face as my eyes meets his "Hey, I'm sorry. I know about his past. You too, I mean you did. Just trust me, that's all I'm asking you to" I nod, I still don't know what to say to him. All of a sudden while the silence is the only sound surrounding in the tiny room. A sound of a scream came. It fills the room, like air.

I find myself laying on the floor. How'd I end up here?
"Zayn!" I shout hoping for a response, no sound seems to break through. The only sound is the echo of my shout filling out the room in every corner. In every inch in this house. Yet no response seems to be heard.

The strange boy face seems to appear over my head "Hello there" he says with a strong accent, a british one. I raise my body from the cold floor and storms towards the door, Zayn told me not to listen to him. And I'm planning on listening to what he said. "Come on, just let me fucking speak" he almost shouts in my head, I run out of the door. Trying to find Zayn, I feel my anxiety is speaking I feel like I'm going to break down, everything is going to be a mess there's nothing I can do, why am. Why couldn't I just die, like my mum, and dad.

I fell on the floor, my body attached to the floor. I feel numb, no feelings no tears, nothing. All I feel is a hand brushing my hair, I don't even bother to look who it is, I'm exhausted. The person lifts my body and puts my face next to his chest, I can feel the persons heartbeat it's slow it's making me feel less obnoxious. The person whisperers in my ear "Everything is going to be alright, I'll tell you the real truth" I can hear on his accent that it's the strange boy, but I don't bother raising myself from his chest, I somehow feel comfortable, I feel safe in the arms of his. I feel like everything is going to be alright.

His words, it sounded like a promise. But again, Zayn told me the same. I somehow trust this boy. The only sound to be heard is our breath everything seems so peaceful yet scary. I look up and admires his face. He's pretty, pretty in a different way. His eyes are blue, like the ocean. It's one of those faces you don't get tired to look at. You don't feel the need to look away, 'cause you'll never get tired of looking at it. We both look into each other's eyes. Wondering what he's thinking

I break the silence and asks him, "Where's Zayn?" he looks at me, as he smiles. It doesn't really look a real smile, you know the ones you force when someone's asking how you're while you're broken but you don't want them to concern so you give them, that smile. "He'll come around, don't worry about him" there's something between the bond with Zayn and him. It seems broken, or maybe it's recovering.

The door opens as Zayn enters the room, his face is bloody, what happened to him?
"Sara, come with me" he says with an angry expression.
I don't know what to say, I don't know anything about neither of them.
"Sara, I said I would tell you everything, I swear. Just come with me Sara" I look at the boy, he doesn't say anything he just keeps looking at me. With that smile.
I guess this will be author note? Well thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it. This is my first fanfiction I've ever written, and I'm not that good. But I hope you'll like the story line & stuff. Btw, I imagine Zayn as Zayn Malik. And Sara as Lily Collins. Idk yet about the "strange boy" who do you think?

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