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They both look at me, like they expect something from me. Zayn breaks the silence and says with an angry voice "You don't even know him, and here you're. In the arms of his." I get angry too, with my frustration I shout at him "I didn't even know who you were, yet you come here and judge me for being here, with him. I don't even know who you're or him in that case. Okay, I know nothing. So instead of getting mad and shit for me being here, and that kiss, what you said in the car. Screw that. I'm done being the girl who knows nothing so either one of you tell me the truth. Or i'll leave, immediately. You choose" I can feel the tears streaming down my face, I can feel every tear. Like when it's fall and it starts raining outside, and your mom told you not to go outside 'cause it was too cold outside. So you decide to sit next to the window, as your watch every rain drop fall until it's last.

I feel so emotional all of my feelings came to me at once, like a bomb. Unexpected. Once it's blown up, you can't undone the damage. You can try to recover it, but it'll never be the same, it'll be full of scars filled up with the memories of the damage. Unless you forget everything. Rather remember the pain the suffering all the tears. Than forget ever single thing. Every memory.

The look on Zayn's face, his eyes, I can see the pain, he's trying to disguise it. But I can clearly see it. I can see how I hurted him with my words, I can see how he's trying to look strong. All that, in just his eyes.

The strange boy reaches his hand out and takes it in mine, as he says - " sorry, I didn't get the chance to intruduce myself, I'm Harry. I forgot about it all, the incident" in confusion I ask. "I thought it was an accident, not an incident?" he looks at Zayn, and back at me. As Zayn runs his hand through his hair, I try to look into his eyes, so he would look into mine. So I could read him, so I could see the things he won't say. I can't, he won't look into my eyes, all I see is him looking away. Like he's afraid for me too see something. I'm frustrated, I have no idea what's going to happen, or what to say in that case. I just wanna know what happened, word to word, every single page. Not just phrases. I need to know everything.

"We need to tell her the truth Zayn" Harry says with that smile, the smile you give when you're broken from inside to out. Zayn moves forwards towards me, as he leans in and whispers in my ear, his touch gave me goosebumps as his breaths aches against my skin as he opens his mouth. I feel his breath, and listens to his voice as he say the words "come with me, Harry can't give you what you need, he couldn't and he never could." He didn't whisper in my ear for Harry not to hear it, he could clearly hear it. Zayn wanted him to hear it. I don't give him an answer, I just stand there. In the tiny room. The room is too tiny for all of the secrets being held in here. Why won't they just tell me what happened to me? Why won't they. I just walk away. This is too much for me, all of it. Zayn acting like this.

I walk out of the house, with careful footsteps behind me. Even though I hear them, I keep going. I keep walking, walking away from the careful steps. It's cold outside, a fresh cold. The coldness is dragging into my mouth as fresh mint. A cold hand grabs my arm, as I turn around I glare at his face, Harry's. The first thing you notice when you look at Harry is his eyes, then his smile. He was the one whom came after me. To be honest, I really thought it was Zayn. I really thought he was the one who came.

We stare at each other, for a time that feels like hours. We both doesn't say anything, we stay in silence. No words to be exposed. The only touch is his hand grabbed around my arm. Yet it feels comfortable, I've felt comfortable, I've felt safe around Harry since he came. Even though his appearance was so unexpected, his kindness was unexpected. You expect him to be one of those bad boys from those books, or movies. Tattoos, a strong body, you basically just expect him to be a bad person. Bad is sometimes good, right?

Harry opens his mouth, in a adoring way with a smirk as he says "wanna go for a walk? Or should we just stay here all day?" he laughs, with that smile. I laugh with him, and tell him - "Yeah, sure. I'm exhausted though, but a small walk would be great" he answers with a smile, and I smile back, with that smile.

We walk in a small forest. It's beautiful, it's green everywhere. I wouldn't mind spending an eternity here. Everything's just so peaceful, so calm. The only sound is the animals in the forest peeking as we walk through, they don't run away as you expect wild animals to. They just walk amongst you, as you were it with the forest.

Harry breaks the silence
- "So, how are you? How do you feel, do you feel great?" he asks curious with a smile that reminds me of a broken smile, that smile.
- "I'm fine" I smile at him, with that smile. As I add "and how are you?" he stands still as he tells me "when we were little kids, we used to hang out here, you remember?" he looks at me with a smile which is about to turn into a smirk.

He seems like he expects a yes. And I really don't wanna disappoint him, as I walk towards him and takes his hand and tells him "Harry, I really appreciate this, you're trying. But I can't, I really want to remember everything. You know, if I had one wish in this life. It would be to get my memories back, but I can't, the world is an unfair bitch. The right people gets all wrong. The ones who deserve better. Doesn't get better. Like you. You deserve better than Zayn, better than me. A friend whom remembers you. I'm sorry, I don't remember anything Harry."

He doesn't look as disappointed as I expected him to be, everything about this boy, is unexpected. And I love it, I love the unexpected things. Just like he was, unexpected.

"So, you wanna go back at Zayns?" he asks me, with his hand in mine. I ignore his question, and walk further into the forest. As I feel a hand on my waist. His hand feels big on my waist. I can feel the strength in his hand. As I turn around, and my eyes meets his. We look into each other's eyes, for a time that feels like forever, silence with Harry isn't awkward it feels comfortable. As I expect him to kiss me, he leans forward and takes a lock of my hair and pull it back behind my ear, everything about this boy is unexpected. And I love it, I love it so much. I somehow love him. An unexpected love, who knew. That this strange boy, who came so unexpected could make me fall for him? Who knew. This was so unexpected.

Thanks to everyone who reads, even though it's not a lot. Please vote & comment. Every single read means more than anything to me. I hope you guys love the story so far. I know the chapters are kinda short. Well. I hope you like them anyways. So, who do you ship Sara with. Zayn or Harry?

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