Parting Comments

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Well, that's officially the end for these characters. I hope you all enjoyed their journey, not just in Claribelle but in Cecilia's Wolf, too.

The epilogue was short, sweet and to the point. I felt that the story had finished its journey and tied it up ;) I hope you all liked it, even if it was short.

I'm going to miss writing for you guys, but I hope you'll stay with me and continue reading my other stories. What do you think of writing one more book for these? I want to write one for Xavier but I haven't had much interest in it so far.

I'm going to finish Intransigent. Give me a few weeks to get it up and going again though. I'm working a lot right now, but I'll get there.

Bare with me and I'll have Intransigent up and running again by May. Hopefully ;)

Thank you for all your support, comments, votes, everything!


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