ch. 23

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since a lot of people have been asking me to do an advice video... what do you guys want advice on? this can range from boys, to high school, to personal things- literally anything!! i'll be glad to help :)


I slip into the spot next to Brooklyn, and face towards him. I'm careful not to touch him, but our faces are only a couple of inches away. His eyes are already closed.

"Goodnight, Brooklyn," I tell him, and get no response. Well, he got knocked out fast.

Time has passed, but I can't tell how long because it's nearly pitch black in here. Right as I'm about to drift off into sleep, I feel Brooklyn suddenly move.

He wraps him arm around my petite waist, and softly rubs my lower back. "Goodnight, Love,"

l i v

I wake up to a bright light illuminating my room through the blinds. Man, I hate how the sun rises so damn early during the summer. I don't know what time it is, but I know that it's early- way too early- for me to be awake.

Groaning, I shut my eyes once again. There is no way I'm getting out of bed. For some reason, my bed feels extra comfortable today; and my room doesn't feel as cold as it usually does.


My eyes bolt open as last night's memories come flooding back to me. Without turning my entire body, I reach back behind me to see if all of that was real or if I was just dreaming again.

Yep, it was definitely real. I think to myself as my hand comes in contact with Brooklyn's... butt?

I quickly remove my hand, praying that he won't wake up from that.

I freeze as Brooklyn's body suddenly shifts. I feel something warm move on my stomach. Holy shit, his hand is resting underneath my shirt. Well, it's technically his shirt, but that's besides the fact that HIS ARM IS WRAPPED AROUND ME AND HIS HAND IS RESTING UNDER MY SHIRT.

Our current position reminds me of those annoying pictures you find on Twitter that people call "relationship goals". I used to always hate seeing that kind of stuff on my timeline- call me heartless, or whatever. But I guess I've always been bitter about relationships because I've never been in one.

But suddenly, I understand why everyone wants this.

The thing is- Brooklyn and I aren't in a relationship. Nor, will we ever be.

I guess this is still 'goals'. I mean, literally every girl in the world would kill to be spooning with the Brooklyn Beckham.

Every girl would kill to be me.

It's actually so frustrating, though. All those girls want Brooklyn because he's David and Victoria Beckham's son, or because he's possibly the hottest sixteen year old boy living. But they really don't know him at all.

Honestly, can they think of a reason why they 'love' him, other than his family or his looks? I didn't think so.

I actually know Brooklyn; and I can think of a thousand reasons why I lov-

"Liv?" I slightly jump as Brooklyn snaps me out of my current thinking. My entire body melts at the sound of his morning voice. I don't know why, there's just something about it that I can't resist.

I turn my body so that I'm now face-to-face with him. Why is it that our faces always end up only inches away from each other's? Oh, God, I hope my breath doesn't smell too bad. "Yeah, Brook?"

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