ch. 9

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I wake up to a vibrating noise coming from my phone a few inches away from my face. With my eyes still closed, I shut it off. That's weird. Since when did I have an alarm to wake me up at 6:45 in the morning? I reach for my phone that's buzzing on the side table right next to me. Wait... I don't have a side table next to my bed...

My eyes creep open to reveal an extremely neat room. I thought I still needed to clean the huge mess I made yesterday while searching my closet for something to wear, before I went to the mall? I don't remember cleaning that up...

Then I remember where I am. I stayed over at the Beckhams' house for the night. And I'm in Brooklyn's room. That's why I set that alarm- to leave before he notices.

But I'm so comfortable right now, I really don't feeling like getting up. Who knew I would actually sleep well last night? My knees are tucked up, close to my chest, so I'm in a cozy position. I usually get super cold in other people's homes because my house is really warm, but last night I wasn't cold at all. It's like someone's body heat was keeping me warm.

Then it hits me. That is someone's body heat. The weight over my small waist is an arm wrapped around me and those are legs intertwined between my own, not a pillow.

Oh my God.

I think I'm spooning. With Brooklyn. I'm spooning with Brooklyn, and his face is buried in my dark hair and I can feel his cool breath tickling my neck and HOLY SHIT I'M SPOONING WITH BROOKLYN BECKHAM.

Oh no, this is not good. I have to leave right now. But I need to get out of bed very carefully, so I don't wake him up. He cannot find out about this.

Moving at the pace of a snail, I slowly unwrap his arm from my body and untangle my legs from his.

After about a whole minute, I'm out of his grip. Right as I'm about to make a run for it, Brooklyn gently pulls me towards him so we're back to the same position we were just in. All that work, and I'm back to square one.

Slowly and silently, I attempt to get out of bed for the second time. Then suddenly I hear a moan come out of Brooklyn's lips, those lips that were so close to the back of my ear. A FUCKING MOAN. I jump at the sound, causing me to move 50x faster than I just was. I'm finally up on my feet- success!

I turn around to check if he's still sound asleep and- thank God- he still is. Tip-toeing, I walk towards the door of Brooklyn's room.

Peeking my head out the door, I scan the long hallway to see if anyone's awake at the moment. Nope, I don't see anyone, so the coast is clear.

So now I need to figure out which room is the guestroom. It won't be that hard, since there's sunlight illuminating the entire house.

"Liv?" Oh shit. I crane my neck to the small voice coming from behind me.

It's Cruz.

"Oh, hey Cruz. What are you doing up this early?" I ask the tired boy, acting like nothing's wrong.

He rubs his eyes. "The real question is, why were you coming out of Brooklyn's room?"

Fuck. He saw that?

"Okay, I'll give you 5 pounds to not mention this to anyone. Especially Brooklyn." I bribe.

"Deal." Cruz doesn't ask anymore questions.

I pat his cheek twice. "Good boy," I laugh, and begin to walk away. "Wait, which room is the guestroom again?"

Cruz points to the 3rd room on the left. Since it's almost 7 o'clock, I decide to just go downstairs since there's no point in going back to bed.

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