A Brief History of WattPunk

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Legend tells of a campfire in a woodland glade around which several people sat smoking, drinking, laughing and generally having a good time

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Legend tells of a campfire in a woodland glade around which several people sat smoking, drinking, laughing and generally having a good time. No one is entirely sure who those people were though according to the rumours, those people are still alive today.

It was around that very campfire that the concept of 'WattPunk,' was born for those people, be they still alive today or not, were residents of Watt-of-the-Pad, true believers who worshipped at the altar of the Wattpad Gods, offering their meagre tokens of gratitude and appreciation on a near-daily basis.

It was those people sitting around that campfire on that chill Autumnal eve who, as a group, pondered the possibility of them, the writers, being the very subjects of the stories they were writing and of Dystopian futures where Watt-of-the-Pad rules all.

But as everyone is well aware, despite the fact that most legends have some basis, however minuscule that basis might be, in reality, one should certainly not take those legends as red.

That is not to say there is no truth at all for if that was the case the humble offerings found herein would not exist.

Believe what you read or don't, that is a decision that only you and you alone can make. However, either side of the coin is marred with peril and should be viewed with nought but trepidation and caution for once read the following cannot be un-read, cannot be forgotten and cannot be quashed by any amount of therapy for digging deep through these hallowed pages will prove one thing and one thing alone... Inside, there be WattPunk!

Tevun-Krus #20 - WattPunkWhere stories live. Discover now