The Chosen Ignorance of the Blind

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The Chosen Ignorance of the Blind

He pretends he knows nothing

He pretends he doesn't hear

But I know that this is ending

The truth will become clear

He turns away at my tears

He ignores my cries

He doesn't protect me from my fears

His words have all become lies

Where did the love go?

Why does he run from me?

If only I could know

If only he would hear my plea

His kiss is false

His touch is never there

The affection is lost

He doesn't really care

If we could go back to the start

Maybe he would stay

He holds my heart

But he carelessly throws it away

He never calls

He is never there

He doesn't try to break through my walls

He pretends he isn't aware

We are a lost cause

This boat is going down

But I still try to hold on to what was

Even though I know I might drown

If I don't make it

If I don't survive

I know that I have loved

And I have known truly alive

He may push away

He may try to hide

But the sky was once blue

And love did reside

G.R 2013

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