Chapter 3

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My first thought when we walked into the house was... Wow! This is messy. My second thought was... I love it! There were two people sitting on the couch and one on the floor. There was also one standing, talking to the cops. One of the boys who was sitting on the couch was small and had jet black hair and brown eyes. The second on the couch was tall, had brown eyes, brown hair, and was smoking a cancer stick while mumbling under his breath. The one on the floor was watching Mickey. He had brownish blonde hair and had a plate of chocolate cake and a beer on his lap. The boy talking to the cops was also very tall, muscular, brown hair and brown eyes.

Pony closed the door and everyone looked up. "Hey guys, said Pony. This is Lauren. She's the friend that I have been talking to you about." Everyone said a polite hello accept the tall one on the couch. "Lauren, this is Johnny and Dally.(The two on the couch) The one over there, he said motioning to the one talking to the fuzz, is Darry. My older brother. That's two-bit over on the floor and Soda and Steve are still at the DX, but they should be home in a few minutes" "Hi, everyone," I said. we sat down on the couch and it just so happened that I was between Johnny and Dally. "If you don't mind me asking, I said, Why are the fuzz here?" " I swipes something from the Dingo and then got into a fight with the manager," said the one who I think was Dally. I didn't have anything to say to that so I just sat watching Mickey for about ten more minutes until Pony suggested we go to his room to start homework. I was relieved to leave the awkwardness of the situation and the smell of Dally's cancer stick.

We walked into his room and I sat on his bed. We worked on Science for a while but soon got bored. I was throwing a piece of paper at the trashcan hoping to make a basket. "I know, said Pony, " we should play two truths and a lie." "Okay," I said. I'll start." Ummmm. My favorite singer is Elvis, I completely hate cleaning anything, and I hate it when boys play hard to get." " wow, said Pony, " that's a hard one. Is it the second one? "Nope. It was the first one, I said smirking." "Really?" asked Pony? "Ya. I hate Elvis and how the girls are falling all over him," I said in a mocking voice. "Your turn."

As I said that, I heard the door slam and someone yell,"We're home!" Ponyboy slowly got off the bed and said,"That must be Soda and Steve. Let's go say hi." We walked down the hall and into the living room. By this time, the fuzz was gone and so was Dally. "Where's Dal?', Pony questioned. "Hauled in," replied Darry. "Should be out soon." Just then two teenage boys walked into the room. One had brown  hair and brown eyes. He was muscular and was wearing a blue DX shirt and jeans. The other had sandy brown hair, brown eyes, the same shirt on and blue jeans.

"Who's the lady friend?', asked the first one. "Steve, This is Lauren. She's a friend from school." "Lauren, said Pony, "This is Steve and the other is Sodapop. My other older brother." "Hi," said Soda. For some reason when he looked into my eyes, I felt like he knew me. Like he knew all my secrets. Knew about that night. That's impossible, I thought to myself. He couldn't know. Could he? Nevermind. Once I was introduced, Two-Bit suggested that we play a couple games of Poker. I beat everyone during the first round. Royal flush. After that, we all deided to catch the new Paul Newman movie that was playing. We all decided to walk. We had just passed the Dingo when a cherry red mustang pulled up and slowed beside us. "Dammit,' said Steve. We all stopped and watched as a total of 7 socs stepped out. How they even all fit in there? I have no clue. "Stay behing and don't say anything," said Pony.

"Funny, I thought, " He thinks I'm scared. I smirked and watched the Socs walk up the bank. And stop right in front of us.

A/n... Dun Dun daaaaa! Drama. Lauren is a pretty tough gal. Read on and see! I'll update soon, but probably not till about Monday or Tuesday!

Bye Lovelies... Stay Gold!

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