Chapter 6...He never knew the Pain

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I cried and sobbed as I ran home. I layed on my bed, thinking what a fool I was. I should have known. I should have known that it would never be. That he was just like every other boy. Selfish. A jerk. I'm so stupid. Just then I heard a knock on my door.

"Get out!' I screamed.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. It's me. Lauren?"

The door opened and Two-bit hurried in and sat on the bed next to me. He pulled me into his embrace and stroked my hair.

"Lauren. What happened? Please. Did Soda hurt you?"

"Yes. He hurt me," I said," He couldn't see. Couldn't see that I loved him. That I cared for him."

"Oh, Lauren. He didn't know. Sometimes he can be naive. He was probably caught up with Sandy. He loved her."

"Well, he can have her," I spat," I don't care for him anymore."

"Lauren. Didn't you know? She left. She's gone to Florida. Couldn't be with him anymore. I'm sorry."

"What? Is that why he was so upset? He yelled at me. For no reason! He told me I didn't know anything! He lied to me! I know things! He doesn't..." My voice cracked on the last part. I started to cry again and I buried my face in Two-bits jacket. He smelled like chocolate. Like chocolate cake. It was a comforting smell. I felt a little better for now.

"Do you want to see him?" Two-bit asked.

"No. Never. I don't want to see him again. He hurt me."

"Well, think about it. Think about us, the gang. Okay?"

I nodded. He gave me one last hug and left. I crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

A/N... Sorry, this is kind of an awkward filler chapter. But at least I updated!

Stay Gold, Lovelies!

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