Chapter 12: Babies Babies Everywhere!!!!!!

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Hey peep's, here is another chapter for yall. I hope yall like it and please tell me what yall think. Thanks Jencullen28.

Chapter 12: Babies babies everywhere

Well it is now Tuesday, July 9th and well we now have two sets of triples. Tay had her babies yesterday and she is now home with them and they are all doing really well, even tho Daniel was born have trouble breathing, but he is doing really well now. Here is the weights of all 6 babies when they were born. My 3 girls were born on July 4th they weighed all the same witch never happens. They all weighed 7lbs and 7ounces and now they are 4 days old but they look one month. They are going 2in a day and well I wished they would sat babies like the should but oh well that is the life of a hybrid. Dad and Alice have been trying to find someone like them and so far they found one and he lives in another country. They got a hold of him and he said they will grow like this until they hit 7 and that is when they will become full vampires and they will look 18 teen or 19 teen when they become full vampires. So we still have awhile till that day so me, mom, Rose, and Alice has been taking so many pics a day trying to capture how fast they grow. And now for Tay and her babies. Tay has two identical boys and on girl. The boys took after their dad big time, they have his skin color, hair and same eye color. You are pretty much looking at Jacob but as two little boys. They are Joesph and Daniel and they both weighed 9lbs and 7ounces and 25' long, they not only took after their dads looks but size also. Then little Chloe she looks just like Tay and me when we were babies, she has our brown hair color, her skin color is just like Jake's and her eyes are hazel because Tay's eyes are green and Jake's are brown and it made they hazel.

Well like I said today is July 9th and we are all at home talking and trying to decide what to do today. “Jennifer honey, lets go to the main house after we get done with the babies room and then we will see what we will be doing today,” Edward told me. “OK honey,” I told him and we went back to working on the babies room. We had to add on one more room, we only had three rooms and we had to add another room for our babies. They will be in our room till I feel like I can trust them to be by themselves. We got done and all three rooms looked beautiful. We then left the house and ran to the main house and everyone was home. We walked in and we looked at our girls and then me and Edward were in shock. “Dad, what the hell happen to our baby girls? When we left last night they were well they looked at least one month and we come in today and they look to be two months old,” I said to them. “Jennifer and Edward, sit down for a minute please. There growth has increased a lot over night as you can see. I watched them last night and when they sleep that is when they grow. During the day they only grow two to three inches and at night for some reason they have increased growth. I called the guy I know that is like them and he said there is a rare kind like them. They grow very little during the day but at night they have a major growth spurt. He said it will happen like that until they look one and then they will quit growing at night like that but they will still grow during the day but just a little more than the two or three inches that they do now,” dad told us.

I grabbed Renesmee and Meka and Edward grabbed Maddy and we held them. “Dad what are we going to do about this? My mom and dad cannot see them like this, they are suppose to be just born a few days ago and look at them now,” I told him. “Well Jennifer, we are just going to have to move until they stop growing or somehow tell your mom and dad about us without the Volturi knowing,” dad told me. “Well, I can put my shield like I did one time and they still don't know Tay knows about us,” I told him. Just then Alice took the babies upstairs and I just looked at her and then there was a knock on the door. I was my mom and dad, I went to the bathroom and put some contacts in and when I came out they were talking to Edward and the family. “Mom and dad, we have to talk to you about something very important,” I told them. “Everyone lets go to the dinning room table and talk there,” dad told us. We all got up and then we went to the dinning room and we all took seats. “OK mom and dad, what we are about to tell you two it is a very big family secret. I have to tell you this before you can see our babies again or we would have to move until they are at full age. What I am about to tell you two is a very big secret and if you tell anyone we can be killed even yall can be killed for knowing this secret,” I told them.

We sat there and let that sink in. “Mom and dad, please promise me this, if you want to see your grand kids and see us stay alive then you have to promise us that you will not tell a sole what I am going to say. Please promise us that we can trust yall with our secret?” I asked them. “Jennifer and family, we promise not to say a word about what yall are going to tell us. We want to see everyone here and our grand kids. Everyone can trust us with your secret,” mom and dad said at the same time. “OK, thank you so much mom and dad. Now what I am about to tell you, you have to believe in the non believe able. Mom and dad me and the Cullen family are not human, we are vampires. We will not hurt you or anyone we know, well you have to be careful around me for a while. I am a newborn vampire, when they told you two I was sick from having the babies well that was a lie. I was hurt by the babies and they just about killed me and that is why I am a vampire now. I know this is a lot to take in but you have to know everything right now. Carlisle is the leader of this coven/family and he is also the oldest out of all of us. He was born sometime in the 1600's and then well I wont go into the history right now. We do not drink from humans we only drink the blood of animals, but like I said I am a newborn and I can snap just like that and kill in an instant. Oh and the babies are half human and half vampire, they eat human food and drink animal blood,” I told them.

We let that sink in some and let them ask us any questions that they wanted. “Well, you know how hard that this is to believe, but we do believe yall. Everyone is just so beautiful and Jennifer you look so different to us now. You are more beautiful than you were when you were human. Is that why yall's eyes are gold because everyone drinks animal blood?” Mom asked. “Yes, you can tell the difference in the vampires that drink human blood and the ones that drink animal blood like us. We have gold eyes unless we are thirsty then they are black and the ones that drink from humans their eyes are red. I am going to take my contacts out and well I don't drink human blood but my eyes are red because I am a newborn and they will turn to gold in a few months,” I told them. Then I took out my contacts and they just smiled at me. “Now why we had to tell yall about us is because the babies are growing really fast and you would know something was up when you see them. With them being half and half they grow at an increase rate and we just found out today that they are more special than normal half breeds, me and Edward came here because I can't be around them to much yet and well when we left last night they looked to be almost a month old even tho they are just days old. Well when we came in the house here I about had a heart attack and that is very hard to do to a vampire since our hearts don't beat. Well I will just let you see for yourself,” I told then. Then me and Edward went upstairs to get our babies.

We got upstairs and they were in there room playing with their toys. “OK little girls, yall are going to see grandma and grandpa Bird and they know about us now, so if you want you can show them anything you want with your hands,” I told them. Then me and Edward grabbed our girls and started back down the stairs with them. When we got to the bottom everyone was in the living room and when mom and dad saw us the looks on their face was priceless. “Oh wow, we now see what you mean. They have grown a lot over night, they look to be what two months old,” dad said. “Yeah and they will grow like this till they look one and then they will slow down to growing five inches or less until they are seven. When they hit the age of seven they will be fully grown and also full vampires. They will be seven but they will look to be 18 teen or so,” we told them. Mom held her hands out and I gave her Nessie and she held her and then dad was holding Meka and I was holding Maddy.

We were sitting around talking and then mom asked us a question. “Does Taylor and Jake know about yall?” mom asked us. “Yes they do and they have a secret themselves but we will let what we told yall sink in and then we will tell yall there secret when they come over tomorrow,” I told them. I looked at the time and we have been talking to them for so many hours and it was going on 8pm. “Wow how time passes when you are talking and not paying attention to the time,” dad Carlisle said. I looked at the babies and they we sleeping so me, mom and dad helped me take them to bed and then they left. “I hope they take this well, it seems like they did,” I said. We were talking and I started to feel the burning in my throat. “Edward I need to hunt,” I told him. We told the family good night and we ran out the back door to hunt.

Well I am going to leave it there for now. This is all I could come up with so I hope you like it and please tell me what you think. Thanks for reading. JenCullen28.

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