Chapter One

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***PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT ANYTHING (update in 2018): I started this fanfic three years ago BEFORE QUEEN OF SHADOWS WAS RELEASED.  Therefore, PLEASE stop commenting about how I don't know what happened in Queen of Shadows and Empire of Storms, or how my story ignores that. I'm not going to change my entire fanfic three years later to fit what happened in the last few books.

"I do not see the purpose of this trip," Rowan grumbled, glancing at his carranam and queen, Aelin Galathynius, as she stacked some of the books she wanted to bring. The maids had already packed his trunk, and he was now sat sprawled on the couch in the room he shared with Aelin.

"Rowan, you do not see the purpose in anything, other than scowling and killing," Aelin turned and grinned at him, those brilliant turquoise eyes shining as the light poured into the room. For the billionth time in his life, Rowan marvelled at how beautiful she was, and how absurd it was that she didn't seem the least bit interested in any of the handsome lords and nobles who came to the palace. But the more selfish side of him, the one who stayed up late to run a finger through her hair as she slept and savour the moments when Aelin didn't belong to everyone, but just his – that side of him was eternally grateful that the queen wasn't considering any man yet. He didn't want to think about what he'd do to the poor guy – probably punch all of his teeth in as a warning.

Aelin watched him for a second longer, tilting her head to the side. "You know, you don't have to come with me if you're so bothered."

Rowan scowled. "That is exactly why I have to go with you. Because I'm bothered and concerned."

"Dorian is the king now. Nothing will happen," she said confidently. Rowan did not know much about the Adarlanian king, who was still a prince when Rowan first met him, but Rowan did not exactly favour his pretty looks and charming smiles.

"Either way, I'm going with you."

It was a finality, and not to be discussed. Even if Aedion were to go with her, Rowan would still be worried to death. Aedion could be a bit...distracted sometimes, and when it came to his beloved queen, Rowan didn't need any distractions in their way.

"But to answer your earlier question, the purpose of this trip is to consider possible treaties with Adarlan. Some of the people are still anxious about Adarlan, and my visit there might soothe them a bit. And if we have a treaty, I think it'll help them sleep better at night," Aelin shrugged, putting the last book on top of the pile and breathing out in exhaustion.

Rowan frowned. She was too exhausted recently, coming into their room late and scowling, with her eyes tired and muscles sore. Rowan would rub her back and shoulders, and she would fall asleep moments later, allowing him to just stare at her, and play with her hair, and imagine what life could've been like if she wasn't a queen.

"Come sit by me," he said, extending his arm. Aelin took it without hesitation and settled down by his side, resting her head on his shoulder. He sighed in content, wrapping his arm around her waist, tucking her in close.

"I also think," she began. "That this trip to Adarlan might result in a look for possible suitors."

Rowan stiffened. "The people won't like that."

And I certainly would not like it, he added silently. Whether in Adarlan, or halfway across the world, he would never like anything of the sort.

Aelin stopped for a moment. "I guess so. Perhaps I should consider men from Fenharrow, or even Eyllwe."

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