Chapter Three

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Aelin was excited, afraid, and completely out of her mind.

She took Chaol's hand, silently making for the door of the ballroom. He had asked her if she wanted to go out to the gardens with him and 'catch up', and Aelin briefly remembered how they had danced in this very same garden when she was still the King's Champion.

They were just about to exit the crowded ballroom full of dancing people, when a familiar strong hand caught her arm.

"Aelin," Rowan said in his warning voice. "Where do you think you're going?"

Aelin whirled around, putting on her sweetest smile for the prince. Chaol had stopped, and waited patiently for the two to settle things down.

"To the gardens," she replied. "I'll be fine, Rowan."

"That is not what I'm worried about," he gave her a look.

It took her half a second to understand what he meant, and she shot him a glare, fighting down her blush.

"Go enjoy yourself, Rowan. That pretty lady in the red dress is ogling you right now," Aelin went back to sweetly smiling. "Please?"

Rowan looked extremely torn, and he glanced at the Captain, still waiting patiently by the doors.

"Be careful," he grumbled, and strode away. Aelin grinned triumphantly, and turned back to Chaol. She hadn't expected to see Chaol when she arrived here, although she knew that he didn't return to Anielle. She didn't know what she had expected, but she was just glad that she could see Chaol and Dorian again. After the war, it seemed as if everything was good, and Aelin found herself being grateful for so many little things. It was easy to forget that there had ever been any conflict between them.

"Doesn't it get irritating having Rowan follow you around everywhere and watching you like a hawk?" Chaol asked once they were in the gardens.

Aelin choked back her laughter and ignored the pun of the 'hawk', instead shrugging. "He's my best friend. He's only worried."

"Still," Chaol said. "I've been getting the impression that he wants to rip my head off."

"Don't take it personally. He's like that to everyone."

"Yeah, I remember," Chaol chuckled. Aelin missed his laugh. She missed quite a lot of things about both Chaol and Dorian.

Chaol brought Aelin around the gardens they had ran through together during her days as King's Champion, and Aelin found herself smiling as they passed the trees and hedges, and the pretty flowers in colours of red and yellow. The wind was cool and pleasant, and Chaol was just in the middle of telling Aelin about a problematic lord who came a few weeks ago, when a cooler breeze slithered past them and made Aelin shiver. Chaol noticed, as he noticed everything, and he gentlemanly removed his coat for her, leaving Aelin blushing and flustered, murmuring words of thanks. He was just about to continue telling her his story when a strong gust of wind pushed him so strongly forward that he almost fell on his face. Aelin gasped, reaching out to steady him, but Chaol just waved her off, telling her he's fine.

Aelin whirled around, facing the castle, to see Rowan on the balcony looking down at them from afar. Aelin fumed, and contemplated sending a jet of sparks at him, but decided against it, and instead linked her arms with Chaol and leaned into his warmth, knowing Rowan's nostrils would probably be flaring by now. She could literally feel the air freeze around them, and smiled. Another point for her.


"What do you think you're doing, by the way?" Rowan was resting on their bed, stretching and flexing his muscles.

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