New beginning (1)

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"Nicole hurry we're leaving in 10 minutes either with or without you", Nicole's mother 'Nancy' calls

"I'm coming" Nicole shouts back as a reply while getting the last few bags.

Approaching the stairs she steps on a squeaky toy left there by her dog Lucy who is probably digging up holes in the backyard. Nicole is quickly going down the stairs; she loses her grip on the bags making her trip and tumble down the stairs.

She grabs onto one of the stairs railings, stopping. Releasing her hand, it's stiff and red from her hard grip. Getting up slowly she carefully goes down and starts to pick up the bags that are lying on the ground.

Stopping at the front door, she turns back at the house and admiring it before making her way to the car. Handing her dad the bags she gets into the car and examines her body for bruises and cuts, finding only about like a few slight bruises on her leg and arms, she rests her head against the car door and drifts off to sleep.

All of the sudden she wakes up to the sound of her head hitting the ground and everything goes black.


I wake up to the sound of my mother Nancy crying softly in the corner of the room. I try to lift my head, but an immense pain goes through my entire body. I sense my dad coming to my side "don't move too much sweetly" he says putting his hand on top of mine smiling like a mad man.

"What happened?" I managed to ask

"While you were sleeping against the door and your mother must have forgotten about that and opened the door causing you to hit your head, but don't worry your seem physically fine so we will be taking you home today."


So that was the first chapter of my book I really hope you enjoyed sorry for any grammar mistakes but a well every one makes mistakes anyways. I know this chapter is short but I just wanted keep you on the edge. Now that you know what the incident was now what was she seeing that was so bad???

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