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(A/N) Sooo unfortunately for me, i only got up to 24 votes. Really? I ask for a simple two votes and you shower of cunts can't do that? Kay.

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"ERHMERGEHRD!" I yelled in Demi's ear.

"OH. EM. GEE." She replied jumping up and down.

Eventually we both started jumping up and down. AND, we looked stupid, I bet.

"What the atual fuck, though?" Carrie raised an eyebrow at our stupid-ness.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS TOMORROW, WOMAN?!?!?" I shook her while I yelled like a maniac in her face.

"Erhm........ Saturday?" She questioned.

"YES. NO. BUT, YES. BUT... THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN!" I yelled, getting frustrated for some reason.

"What she means is... TOMORROW IS THE CONCERT!" Demi screeched.

We jumped together and hip-bumped.

"Right......" Carrie walked away, looking like she was creeped out.

"SO. The concert is tomorrow at 8:00. You wanna sleep over tonight and get ready together tommorrow around 6:30 and leave at 7:15? You know, cause of traffic?" I asked Demi.

"Yea! Perfect plan!" Demi gave her picture-perfect smile.

Okay, see you after school!" I shouted as I walked to class.

Tomorrow is going to be the shit. My body is ready for the ovary- explosion and feels.

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(A/N) Yeah so like this chapter is extremely short. I know you wanted a longer chapter but HEY, i wanted freaking two votes, but i didn't get that, did I? (Note that I am pissed off) Anywayyy, get me ONE vote. Just one, is that too much to ask? One vote and i will update asap.

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