Almost there, (sorry for the wait)

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It was the day.


Today is the day.

This is surreal. Today will be the day I finally get to meet One Direction. The british boyband that brought me so much joy when I was feeling down.

The five boys that were the only thing that made me smile when nothing else couldn't.

Today, I will meet my idols.

I am very lucky

I smiled at the thought of meeting my idols "You ok babe?" Demi questioned , tapping me on the shoulder.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I haven't realized that I've been crying tears of joy. It was the day.

"Hey, are you ok?" Demi rubbed my back, looking concerned.

"Perfect." I smiled through the tears.

Demi realized that I was crying because of happiness, not because something was wrong with me, and her concerned-looking face turned into a happy one.

" Okay, wanna go get ready, babe?"

"Yes!" I got up from the sofa and we headed to my room.

I looked in the mirror and studied my face. I didn't look bad, so I applied a minimal amount of makeup.

I frantically searched for my Revelon Water Proof mascara; it was my favorite. I applied two coats on before using an eyelash curler to make my eyes appear bigger. A applied one more coat and fanned my eyes.

I looked good, but not good enough. I put on some eye liner that made my eyes look amazing. I decided that my face was good enough and looked in my closet to pick out an outfit. Here comes the hard part.  

"Yo Dem, help me pick out an outfit?" I called out to my beautiful best friend as she finished straightining her dark brown locks. "Yeah, I'm ready anyway!" she twirled around for me to see her outfit.

She was sporting a flowy floral fushia and white top, which showed off her shoulders and a hint of boob, but it was cute and not slutty at all, it stopped just above her belly button, showing her cute owl belly button jewl. She was wearing light blue skinny jeans with some rips in it to make the outfit look a bit less girly, to top everything off she had black converse on and only eyeliner on. She looked so stunning in a simple outfit, and she was tall so she has a very nice body. 

"You look breath taking!" I smiled 

She blushed and began to search for my outfit. 

She ended up picking out a cute Soccer jersey from my country, Argentina which I usually tied up from the back that showed my belly and high waisted shorts which I was thankful for because they covered up my belly when I had crop tops and belly-revealing shirts on. You see, I have stretch marks from my wheight gain from years ago, they're all over my lower back, hips, stomach, upper arms, boobs and even thighs. They look horrible, but I ignore them as much as I can because they're one of my biggest insecurities.

"You like?" Demi gestured to my outfit in which I had on.

"Yea, I really do, thanks!" I chirped.

I slipped on some black flip flops and decided I was ready.

"It is 7:10!" Demi yelled.

"Fuck yeah, we're ready AND we have five minutes to spare!" I held up my hand for a high five and Demi and I high-fived while jumping.

Without saying much we headed to the kitchen and grabbed granola bars and headed out to my car.

Demi and I fist bumped as I drove out of the driveway.

We were ready.

Boys, here we come.


Hey guys. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for the looooooooooooooooooooooooong wait ( haha, see what I did there?) . It is just that I have not had any motivation to write, and I have a very busy life. This is a short chapter, but I will most likely update again some time this month, I am on summer vacation but I still have shit to doo yanno. Well, next chap will be about the boys. I hope this story isnt too shitty.. love ya guys vote please and I will update! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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