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Rose was in the TARDIS's wardrobe room currently choosing her outfit for the Doctors next big trip, which he hadn't told her about, just said to dress nicely preferably not a pair of sweatpants or a pair of jeans as she usually wore those when they went out. The TARDIS had materialized a brilliant blue dress in the front of Rose, she giggled and thanked the ship and then went on to get some heels and accessories.

In the end Rose chose a beautiful pair of black heels, golden bracelet the Doctor had given her for Christmas along with the matching necklace he'd gotten her for her birthday. She loved the bracelet and the necklace! Heck, she loved him! But she's rather have that thought kept to herself at this moment.

After Rose had showered with the banana shampoo that she knew drove him completely insane, she walked into the Console room only to find that the Doctor was not there. Instead there was a tiny piece of paper sitting on the chair, she picked it up and read it aloud so the TARDIS could listen too.

Dear Rose,
As soon as you're ready
Come outside,
I'm sure you'll be amazed.
~Doctor X

Rose reluctantly opened the door expecting there to be some catostrophic disaster because after all he was the Doctor and sometimes his mouth got him into trouble.

She was surprised to see a table set up with a TARDIS blue cloth in the middle of a white room with opaque TARDIS blue pedals falling from seemingly nowhere above her head. And she definitely wasn't expecting a suit clad Doctor holding a bottle of wine in one hand while ushering her to come near him with the other. The grin he had on his face made Rose smile too! She loved that smile, it was the smile he gave her when he knew he'd done well, like any other bloke, but his was certainly the best smile she's even seen.

"Rose! I'm glad you could finally make it!" He teased, as she walked up to him.

"Oi! Says the man who takes twenty minutes on his hair to make sure it's perfectly pointed and messed up at the same time!" She teased back, pushing his shoulder lightly.

"My hair is very important Rose!" He almost looked offended, putting down the wine bottle as he pulled out a chair for Rose.

"I knooooow, So Doctor, what's all this about then?" Rose questioned as she gestured around the room.

The Doctor blushed slightly the tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink as he sat down himself. "While I just wanted to give you a day off, and what better way to do that then go on a Da- dinner with a dear old friend?" He said tugging on his ear, trying to hide the stutter and hoping that Rose didn't notice as he almost said the word date.

"Doctor it sounded like you were going to say something else there." Rose stated staring straight at him.

"Wha-" The Doctor was cut off by the server who had appeared as it seemed to Rose out of thin air. The Doctor grabbed her hand as soon as he saw it was a man who looked about her age she couldn't help but giggle over his protectivness sometimes.

The waiter took their orders and left, the Doctor glared at the back of his head.

"Rose I have to ask you something very important." He stated turning back to her grabbing her other hand.

She squeezed his hands reassuringly. "Sure, you can ask me anything."
"Uh, well I was just wondering if, I maybe... Hmmmm. I'm rubbish at this, sorry," He laughed nervously and blushed a little bit. " Rose, I can't help but to think that I'm falling for you, I've just can't help it anymore, I can't fight it, I know I'm an idiot and I should have told you soo-mmph..." The Doctor was cut off again as Rose got tired of his ramble as cute as it was seeing him stumble through words, she had, had enough! She pressed her face to his and gave him a quick kiss to shut him up for a second.
"Doctor I like you too, a lot, well more than a lot, but Doctor what was your question exactly?" She looked at the dazed half lidded smile he gave her.

"Oh right! Yes! Well I just was going to ask if I could kiss you, but I see that you beat me to it." He laughed nervously letting go of one of her hands and running the back of his neck.

"Doctor I think we should have a proper kiss," Rose said sliding her chair back. "A kiss with a table in-between you isn't very romantic, is it?"

"Mmm... No I suppose not." He said sliding his chair back as well, immediately walking up to Rose and kissing her again this time with a lot more confidence and before he knew it she was shoved against the TARDIS with the petals falling around them.

The waiter showed up to give the couple their food minutes later only to be very confused as they and their blue box had disappeared.

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