A White Board?

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"Why on Galifrey do you need a white board!?" The Doctor asked as he dragged the white board in with Rose behind him with blue, pink, yellow, and brown coloured expo markers.

"Because maybe I want to write things down! So I can remember them! We are in a time vortex!" She threw a blue marker at him.

"Oh yeah, like what?" The Doctor said as he caught the blue marker and shoved it in his coat pocket.

"Like Halloween!" She shouted. "And give me back my marker!"

"Only if you don't throw it at me." He reached into his coat pocket and pulled it out waving it about her head.

She jumped for it but he had a few inches on her. Rose suddenly lost her footing and fell onto the Doctor taking them both down. And before she knew it. He kissed her!

She pulled away, positively glowing "You know what I'm gonna write on that board first?"

"No idea, but I'm absolutely dying to know."

"I'm gonna write 'I love the Doctor' so many times that my hand'll hurt."

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