Mornings At the Tyler's

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Rose and the Doctor had been dating a month and when you date you typically do things that show love. But Jackie didn't know about them, although they were planning to tell her eventually, just not at this moment.


Rose had asked if the Doctor would please land them to see her mother. She knew he couldn't resist the puppydog eyes. So after he had flat out rejected five times he gave in. She ran to pack her bags in there conjoined room as the Doctor walked hesitantly behind her getting a bag to put his own clothing and hair care products in.

As he landed in their usual spot Rose kissed him. Mainly to shut him up, because knowing the Doctor he was so going to whine all week. He lugged their bags and Rose ran up to the door. As soon as Jackie Tyler heard the door she knew who it was.

"Come in! Come iiinn!!" Jackie hugged Rose and the Doctor while ushering them in the home.

"Okkaaay! Doctor the couch will be your bed, Rose you as always have your room. I made tea which you guys can prep yourselves. I haven't had a chance to go shopping yet so I may do that later. Oh! I am so excited!" Jackie was talking at rapid speed while the Doctor carried the two bags up into Rose's room.


As it was just around 9:00pm Jackie had decided that she was going to bed and that the other two should follow suit. When Rose had said that she would soon Jackie was satisfied and waddled off to her bedroom.

"I wanna change into my jim-jams and watch a movie, I suggest you do the same!" Rose announced getting up and running towards her room. The Doctor followed her at a much slower pace.

"Alright... Mm which do you think? Just the pants? Or the grey pj's?" The Doctor asked holding up two different items.

"Weeeell. I'd say the pants but this is my mum's house and she could sneak up on us." Rose changed and got a disk to put in the DvD player in her room.

"Very true Rose Tyler."The Doctor announced as he flopped on the bed.

After some nefarious activities. The two quickly fell asleep and forgot about not sharing the room.

When Jackie awoke the next morning she went up stairs to see if Rose wanted anything special for breakfast as she was going shopping. Jackie didn't expect to see a Timelord in Rose's bed.

"Doctor! Where is Rose? What are you doing here! Why are you not wearing a shirt!!" She shouted causing Rose to come out of the closet.

"Oh mum, Hi! The Doctor was just helping me pick out my clothes and uh. You're not buying any of this are you?" Rose said popping on the bed.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" Jackie screeched as the Doctor flinched.

"We were going to eventually." The Doctor mumbled. Still getting up.

"Oh I'm do happy for you!" Jackie squeezed them both in a hug.

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