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"DAD!" I shout speeding through crowds of people. 

"Andie!" He throws his arms around me. 

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, "I missed you so much" 

"I missed you too honey" We pull away and he wipes away my tears. 

"Don't forget about me!" I hear Xavier shout. 

"Of course not!" I run over to him and give him a massive hug. 

"How have you been kiddo?" He asks. 

"Great! London is really cool, can't wait for you guys to go back with me" I smile. 

Xavier takes my suitcase from me and links arms with me, so does Dad. 

"So what have I missed out on?" 

"Well, the total amount of times I have actually slept in my own bed is about 4 weeks, I've been in and out of Sydney every week." Dad explains. 

"And the guys and I have been keeping the house company, while he was gone" 

"Ooo that reminds me did you see the mix tapes in my top drawer?" I look to Xavier. 

"Yep, well Deeg did" He laughs, "We leave for the beach with Luke on Wednesday." 

"Sounds great" 

We continue talking about London and all of the things that they have been doing since I've been gone the whole way home. I live about an hour away from the airport so there was a lot of time to fill them in with both Calum and London. 

We pull up into the driveway of a place I call home. Dad passes me his house keys for me to open the door. I push the door open and see Jay, Chris, Deeg and Beth sitting in the living room. 

"HEEEYY!!!" They all shout excitedly. 

They run up to me and I am then spun into a tornado of hugs, "Oh I missed you guys" I smile. 

I look over and see a blonde head sitting on the floor eating a sandwich. 

"Hey Luke, long time no see" I laugh. 

"Oh hey there, miss me?" He says turning around.

"So much" I sarcastically laugh.

"I made grilled cheese sandwiches!"  He exclaims holding up a plate that had a giant pile of sandwiches on top. 

"Gimme!" I run over and grab a sandwich, "Don't just stand there and look at me! EAT!" 

"Wow ok" They all laugh as they join me. 



"ANDIE!" I hear a voice shout from behind my bedroom door. 

I look at the time on my clock and see that it is 6 in the morning. 

"Luke?" I sleepily groan. 

"No it's the boogey man" He says as he walks in, followed by Deeg and Jay. 

"Guys it's 6am" I cover my face with my blanket. 

"Don't you know where we're going today?" Deeg asks. 


"The beach?! Remember?!" Jay says. 

"Oh! Yay!!!" I get more excited now. 

"Hurry up and get out of bed! We're leaving in 10 minutes" Luke taps on the bed.

"You sound like Ashton" I moan, rolling over in my bed. 

It's just you and me (5SOS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now