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"And like that we win!" Chris shouts as he places the ball down on the try line, a.k.a a line in the sand. 

"Gimme some" I hold out my hand, implying for Chris to give me a hi-5. 

"Some is given" He slaps my hand. 

"We were going easy on you"  Xavier boasts. 

"Yeah, I think I pulled something when we were walking here" Luke fakes an injury. 

"Oh yeah and I got here by flying on a unicorn" Chris teases. 

"I'm gonna go check up on the other two and make sure that they haven't killed themselves yet" Xavier says. 

"I'll come" Chris volunteers. 

"Hey Luke" I turn around, expecting to see Luke, "Luke?" 

I look further down the beach and see him talking to the group of girls who were giggling and laughing as they were walking passed us. 

"I think he's occupied" I gesture over to him. 

"Get it Luke" Chris laughs. 

"Chris and I will go, wait for Luke in case he gets lost" Xavier says. 

"He seems pretty found to me" I wink before we all laugh, "I'll meet you guys back over at the camp site" 

The other two walk back to where Deeg and Jay were hopefully fixing up the tent. I sit down on the sand and listen to the waves crash onto the shore, just thinking about nothing really. I look out at the crystal blue water before checking the time on my phone. It was 9 in the morning. I sit back and soak up the moment before Luke decides to jump straight over the top of me. 

"LUKE!" I shout. 

"Yes madam" He bows down. 

"So did you get their numbers?" 

"No, not my type" He explains, sitting down next to me. 

"Really? Hm" 

"They didn't know what a Fender Telecaster Deluxe 72 was"

"Luke!" I slap his arm. 

"Hey!" He complains as he rubs his arm, "What's your problem?" 

"Why would you ask them that?!" 

"But you knew what it was!" He protests. 

"That's because my boyfriend is part of a band!" 

"Oh .... Shut up! I'm not all that good with girls okay" Luke pouts. 

"Don't worry you've still got Vanessa" I nudge him. 

"Not really, she has a boyfriend"

"Oh ummm, well there are plenty of fish in the sea Lukey" I put my arm around his neck. 

"Thanks Dee" He kisses my cheek. 

"C'mon let's go see what the others are doing" I stand, pulling Luke up with me. 



Why did I just kiss her on the cheek? Andie is Calum's girlfriend, is and always will be. The only reason I went up to go and talk to those girls was because they were fans, not because I thought they were cool. Andie is smart, funny, beautiful, just all around amazing. 

"I'll race you to the camp site?" She taunts me before sprinting down the beach. 

"DEE!" I yell before running after her. 

I continue running until I catch up with her, I look at her. Her expression was happy and joyful, she was as bubbly as ever. It was never Vanessa that I was interested in, it was always Andie. All the times I was looking at 'Vanessa' when she and Andie were talking, I was always paying attention to her. 

We run off the beach and onto the grass of the camp site, I stop running. 

"Okay" I pant, "You win" 

"I knew half way down the beach" She laughs as she catches her breathe. 

"Shut up" I gently push her. 

"Come on let's go get food" She hooks her arm around my neck. 

Sorry ... 

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