I missed everything

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Calum and I didn't have any classes together for the whole day, so when the last period bell rang I bolted to the front gate, where I would usually find Calum waiting for me. 

I wait there for 5 minutes and then Calum comes up to me. 

"Hey bud" He gives me a hug. 

"So are you going to ask if you can do music instead of Italian?" 

Calum knew how much I hated Italian, after the many moods I change to because of the subject. 

"I think so, thanks to you" I smile at him as he puts his arm around my waist, we start walking. 

"Calum, you know you walk in the other direction yeah?"

"Oh yeah I know, I have practise this afternoon at Michael's and he lives down the street from your place" 

"Oh ok cool" 

"So, what else can you do? Can you fly, have you got magical powers?" He jokes as we continue walking.

I gasp "How did you know?!" I say with sarcasm "I'm actually pretty boring" 

"Boring?" Calum questions "You can sing, play the piano, the guitar and dance? I don't know about you but that isn't my definition of boring!" 

"Well, I think it's not really about what you do, it's how you express it" 



"That's deep" Calum says with no emotion.

We stop walking for a moment and stand there in complete silence, until I burst into laughter due to Calum's stoned facial expression.

"Come on" He laughs as he throws his arm around my shoulders.

For the rest of the walk to my house Calum asks me about my Mum. It was usually a subject that I wouldn't talk about around people, but Calum wasn't just a person, he was my friend. 

In about 10 minutes we end up at the front of my house. 

"Do you wanna come in? Food? Water?" I ask as I check the mailbox for any companies asking for money. 

"No, it's ok. I'm late for practise anyways" 

"Ok cool, Seeeya!" I give him a quick hug before running up the drive way. 

"Bye Andie Roberts!" He yells as I unlock the front door. 

I walk inside the house as Calum starts jogging up to Michael's house. I hang my keys onto the hook behind the door and kick off my burgunday and black colour combination vans.

"Hey Honey!" My Dad calls from the lounge room. 

"Hey Dad, how was work?" 

I walk into the lounge room and sit next to my Dad who was watching a new episode of 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians'. 

"Didn't go today! Boss gave me the day off! FINALLY!" He gives me hug. 

"That's cool"

"What about you, how was school? And umm Calum?" He coughed when he mentioned Calum. 

"It was good, and yes Calum is good. We went to the music block, and ... and I played the piano and sang, for the first time in a really long time" 

"Really?" He looked away from the screen and bobbed his head down to face me "Did Calum take you there" 

"Umm yeah, we sang together" I pause "It was ... It was nice" 

"Calum seems to be a really great guy Andie, May just have to live here forever" He winks at me. 

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