First song

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I lock the bathroom door and hang my bag onto the hook behind it. I turn on the tap and wash my face with the icy cold water. I brush my teeth and do a quick breath check to make sure everything was fine. I  slip on a pair of grey track pants that cuff at the bottom and pull them up below my knees and throw on a black tank top. I undo my once neat bun and let my wavy, dark brown hair fall down my shoulders they way it wished. I gather my things together and walk out of the bathroom and into Calum's room.

I drop my bag back to where it was before and dropped myself onto Calum's bed, spreading myself out as if I were doing snow angels. 


"Yep?" He swivelled around from his computer to me.

"What's the time?" 

"It is ... 11:55 tired?" 


My eyes trail around his room and they seem to stop at the guitar.

"Can you play something for me please?" I begged Calum.

"Hmmm... well you have been a pretty good room mate, I guess so"

I clap my hands together and cheer. 

"I think you'll know this one" 

Calum began strumming the guitar, keeping his eyes locked on mine. 

"It's just you and me, and all other people ..." He sung the chorus to the song You and Me by Lifehouse. 

Calum finished the chorus and opened his eyes and faced me. 

"You. are. amazing." 

"I'm alright, you should wait until you see the band though!"

"Calum you're talented! I can't wait to see your band tomorrow." 

I lift my knees to chest, holding them into place with my arms. 

"They seem pretty excited to see you too, I texted Michael and I guess he texted the guys and now my phone can't stop buzzing!"

I blushed. I started to feel my eyes doze off. 

"Andie you sleepy?" 

"Yeah... what about you?" 

"Pretty knocked out myself" Calum rolls off of the bed and lands onto the mattress. 

"Are you sure you're fine down there?" 

"I'm fine! If you need anything, just wake me up" 

"Ok, g'night Calum" 

"Night Andie Pandie" 

"Thanks for the nick name" We both chuckle for a while before I switch off the bed side table light and we fall asleep.


My eyes open to darkness, I turn over to the bed side table and look at the clock, 3:40am. It was just a dream. I close my eyes and try to dose off but I can't, I try all different sleeping positions but nothing seems to work. I lean off the bed and light shake Calum's arm. 

"Calum?" I whispered "Calum, I can't sleep" 

"Hm?" Calum rubbed his eyes "Are you ok?" He replies sleep still hovering at his voice. 

"I can't sleep" 

"Want me to climb in?" 


"Come on Andie"

Calum lifts his blanket off and climbs onto the bed. He lifts the blanket over himself and I lay my head on his arm. He lays his other arm above my waist and shuffles closer to me. 

"Goodnight Andie Roberts" 

I dose off in an instant.

Hey! YES very corny and cliche i know i know! but yeah....... thankyou sooo much for reading this and feel free to share it around! It would mean a lot to me! If you have anything that you would like to be fixed or added into the story please tell me! Thankyou for reading even if you hate it! <3 xx 

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