Chapter 7

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The next day when Xander once again made an appearance for breakfast it was hard for me to hide what happened between Les and I the night before. I know that my smile has spread across my face. Seeing Les' face the same I knew he was happy. Xander eyed the two of us before asking, "What's gotten into you two today? You both smile like crazy people." If he could smile any wider I think Les did. While I gave a soft chuckle as I glanced up at Les. 

He must have seen the looks that passed between us because in the next instant he was slapping Les on the back then punching him in the arm. "Tell me you didn't." He said looking at me. I nodded my head, blushing. "Well I can't tell you that Dadz, cuz we did." He emediately came over and hugged me then said. "He better not have pushed you or I'm gonna kill him." As if the man wasn't standing in the same room!! Damn!

Smiling once more I had to reassure him. "No he didn't, at all. It was me who kind of asked him." Now Xander was shocked. See he kind of knows a lot about my past that I was abused, not only physically and emotionally but also sexually. "Well I hope you two at least remembered to use protection." I spit out my coffee when I heard that. Les was smirking when he nonchallantly said, "OH, damn that's what we forgot!" You should have seen how red Xander's face got then. Oh boy! I glanced up at my boyfriend.   "Lester!" shaking my head. I scoffed at how easily Xander could be gotten. "Of course we did silly man. Les and I are both smarter than that." He was relieved I could see it on his face then.

We all ate breakfast when Xander opened his mouth and mentioned the guys had been wanting to give me a welcoming party but Les had talked them out of it, and instead they had taken me to the track. I was shocked. "They wanted to do that?" I asked dumbfounded. I knew all the other guys liked me but never in my dreams would I consider they would think to throw me a party. Les looked at me then a little sheepishly. "Well hun I know how you are with crowds of people so I suggested the tracks instead. I didn't know if you would be comfortable with a party knowing there would be lots of people there that you don't know." I kissed him for that. He was so considerate of me.

"Hun I love you so much you know that." I said. Then laughing I said, "Honestly I think I could brave the entire city as long as you are by my side." The smile that crossed Les' face was priceless. Xander just scoffed. "You are so too much in love there kiddo." I shook my head at him. "So what? I only speak the truth. And yes I am in love." Again I kissed my boyfriend with Xander sitting there trying to fake coughs like he was sick or something.

Then it hit me to check up on progress having to do with finding my cousin and her stupid ex. "Excuse me guys, I need to make a couple phones calls to back home." I eyed Les so he understood what I was doing before walking out of the kitchen. Wanting a little more privacy I went upstairs to his bedroom. The first one I called was my cousin Jake. "Any word yet Jakey?" He sighed before answering. "Not yet Rebi. I will definately let you know if things change ok. Meanwhile how are you doing there?"

Leave it to Jake to bring it back to me. "Thanks, I know I can count on you. I'm going wonderful here. Les is amazing. Xander is pretty much what I expected. Honestly I think Har made a big mistake not trusting him more and sticking it out. When we find her that is exactly what I am going to tell her too. I mean really she didn't need to break that man's heart like she did. She could have just said they needed to lay low for a bit, not break up with him." Jake was trying not to laugh at me I could tell by the change in his voice next. "Well we are all hoping she comes back safe you know that, but we also have to think of the other options. I agree with you on the Xander issue though. I know she loved him, more than she ever could have loved that ass Shaun too. I am hoping that if she comes out of this alright that she will rethink the whole Xander issue too Rebi. I think they are good for each other and I never met the man." Jake was awesome in his own right. And he spoke only what he thought regardless of others feelings, right now that was what I needed to hear.

I finally hung up with him and called to check progress with my "friend". "So anything yet?" I asked him vagely. I could almost see him shake his head. "Not yet kid. Will inform of any changes. I'm heading for New York soon with a couple guys so should know more in a day or so. Just hold tight and no calls until I contact you ok?" I knew this was how he worked, after all Jay (not his real name for his own personal protection) was one of the best in his field you may say. He is what I call a "tracker" but is more advertised as a private investigator, he finds people. "Keep me posted man. Thanks again Jay, guess I may end up owing you one after this is all over." I laughed to keep it light, but he could tell I was upset. "Rebel don't worry we will find her. I can't guarantee she is safe, but one way or another we will find her for you." I didn't doubt it for a second and told him as much before we both disconnected.

I still didn't have the heart to break this latest news to Xander. I know how much he cares for my cousin, and that he loves her. In the time I've been here every time we have gone out I have seen women looking at him and they try making eye contact to flirt and he basically blows them off. To him there is only one woman, and right now I was hoping she was still alive. I know her ex so I wasn't counting my sheep before the fact that's for sure. Shaun was as evil as they come. If I ever seen the man again he would wish I hadn't, especially if anything happens to her.

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