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((Look at the gorgeousness up top^^ you'll like it! anyway enjoy!!))

I stared at connie in the eyes, as hers twinkled

"Im so glad you forgiv...." Before i could finish she slapped me in the face

Once she did that you could hear the dj music scratch and lights were on us again and everyone was just staring.

you could hear people in the background yelling "OH SNAP! " or "OH NO SHE DIDNT"

I just looked at her holding my cheek in pain

"OW! , w-why would you do that!?"

"Thats for yelling at me!"

"I said i was sorry! Why did you need to smack me!!"

She brought her arm up and slapped my other cheek

"And this is for kicking my out your house!!"

I started to get angry

"CONNIE what they heck!! Why are you freaking slapping me! I apologized!!"

I started to get teary eyed and rubbed both of my cheeks

"It hurts"

Then She grabbed the collar of my shirt and brought me like a centimeter away from her lips. She spoke softly

"This is for coming to find me, and apologizing"

She gave me a huge kiss and hugged me.

I looked at her and hugged back

Then everyone in the back just goes

"aWee thats so stinking cute!!!"

we both just sorta blushed and decided to head outside to be alone. I grabbed her hand and twirled her around, and she just laughed.

Then someone, who looked about our age walked outside

"Hello !"

We both just looked at each other in confusion and then said at the same time

"Uh, hi"

"I just wanted to let you know , you guys are so adorkable!"

"Huh...?" I said

"And your girlfriend! She's so pretty!!"

He walked up to her and kissed her hand
She started to giggle.

I started to get jealous and blushed a little and thought to myself

Keep your fifthly little self away from her

I walked over and I pushed him away

"Thats enough dude, bye now"

"Aww Steven relax, he's just being nice"

I crossed my arms and groaned

"So, Steven, i was wondering if i could ask your girlfriend to dance with me"


Connie cut me off immediately

"Sure! Id love to dance!"

I held my arms out and my mouth open with shock

"We just made up and you wanna start this now!? " i was saying to myself as she walked back inside

I started pacing around waiting for their song to end and just kept complaining alone

Stupid kid, takes my girl friend to dance, ha i could have taken her to dance if thats what she wanted! Heck, i could have kissed her hand too! What is with her and that stupid little twerp

Then i stopped

"Actually, what is with me? She's my girlfriend, she wouldn't of just given me that huge kiss if she didn't love me.........right?"

I sighed

"I need to trust her, and stop getting all worked up"

I looked inside to see what was happening

That little dude tipped connie, and notice i watching and gave me an evil glare and he leaned in for a kiss

My heart was racing

"Connie don't to this" i whispered

Then i noticed she opened her eyes and they widened in shock.

His eyes were still closed going for a kiss

"Umm no thank you" connie said and put her finger on his lips and stood up

I grabbed my heart and slid to the ground

"Thank god" i felt my heart pounding extremely hard

When i looked up i noticed connie standing above me

"Haha what are you doing down there?"

I just smiled and grabbed her hand and pulled her into me for a kiss

"Don't do that to me again, i nearly died" i laughed

"What i do"

I just kissed her again

"Nothing, lets go" i said smiling and we walked home holding hands

We finally made it back to our house and laid in bed.

I turned and looked at her and she was half sleep already

"Hey connie"

She groaned

"Connie guess what.."


I got closer to her

"Guess what"

She laughed and opened her eyes


I even closer to where our noses were touching

"Conniiiieee guesss whatt"

"What" she whisper and laughed

I kissed her and then whispered back

"I love you"

(( READ THIS IT'S IMPORTANT!! ok guys so, this chapter and maybe one or two more are gonna be short because i have something big in mind to do ;-; and tbh it gonna be really sad , so be ready . But don't get mad about the shortness. And plus I'm planning on ending this book soon, but I'm still debating on how many more chapters, lemme know what you think!! Maybe i should just keep writing it till i get bored or you guys get bored of it, or have an ending at what chapter number?? Tell me in comments or message me!! Anyway i hoped you enjoyed!!!))

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