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....I really hope you like it (Bluebell's pic [Brittany Underwood]--->)

Bluebell’s p.o.v.

            Lunch was simple and passed rather quickly with me showing Mrs. Quill and Lucas signs. There was no sign of Troy and I was glad. I did not want to see him at the moment. I didn’t want to be around anyone at the moment but I sucked it up and put on a smile. Dad and Mr. Quill talked most of lunch, Dad slightly hunched and nervous, Mr. Quill tall and straight radiating power. Sometimes it looked like my siblings felt the power, but since they had so much human in them they felt it less. Me, I had the alpha gene, human or not. Mr. Quill’s power bounced right off. Grandpa was one of the most powerful alphas in the world before his pack was attacked. I had his power in my blood.

            “Tyson, do you remember the Moon Song Pack?” Mrs. Quill asked suddenly interrupting our signing lesson.

            Mr. Quill thought for a moment then nodded. “They were destroyed years ago.”

            I saw Dad gulp and duck his head making Mr. Quill look at him suspiciously. “My father, their Grandfather, is the alpha of the Moon Song Pack, and it was not completely destroyed.”

            “So you are telling me that YOU Mr. West are an alpha.” There was a hint of a growl in Mr. Quill voice and Mrs. Quill gave him a disapproving look.

            I scribbled on my paper quickly. Alpha gene skips a generation in our pack. I am the rightful alpha, but I’m not a werewolf. If one of my siblings are werewolves then they become alpha.

            Even as I wrote it I knew something was off. They couldn’t be werewolves, or if they were they certainly weren’t alpha, because if one of them was then they wouldn’t be affected by Mr. Quill. So the alpha power was going to Troy. That was the only explanation. Whether I accepted Troy or not, which I wasn’t going to, he was going to have the power of two alphas. The thought made me mad, but again I didn’t show my emotion.

            “So then you little lady are an alpha of a pack?” I nodded. “Just how big is the Moon Song Pack now?” I could see it in his eyes he’d come to the same conclusion Lucas had. A bigger pack meant more power and power meant territory and control.

            I lied. I don’t know. It’s very small though. Once I wrote that I quickly signed to my family to stay quiet in signs too fast for the learning signs to recognize any they had memorized already.

            There was disappointment in Mr. Quill’s eyes. “Well that’s sad. A great pack brought down to miniscule numbers.” I didn’t know if he was baiting me or something until I saw the sincerity in his eyes. He was harsh and rude but he meant what he said. Honest but harsh. Little did he know the Moon Song Pack may be small but they were spread out around the continent waiting for their pack to come back together in true strength so only when the call was made would anyone know the true numbers of the once huge pack.

            “Why don’t you call in the other boy’s and we can start the tests?” Mrs. Quill suggested getting up and urging us into a new hallway.

            We followed Mr. Quill and Lucas talking anxiously in the pack of the group as we walked to the end of the hall to large glass door leading to the backyard. The backyard was a huge expanse of grass, dirt and stone. We stood on a porch that lead to a pool. Past the pool’s stone rim and surrounding path was grass followed by the large patches of sandy looking dirt. Scrimmage Spots, Grandpa called them, places where fighting was practiced. Mrs. Quill and I sat with Daffodil next to the pool in comfy chair next to a table with a large umbrella sticking out the top shading us.

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