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Wow this took a lot longer to write than I thought it would. Oh well. It's up now. Enjoy!

Ten Days Later, 12:00 A.M.

Troy’s P.O.V.

            “Come on boys, what was I doing wrong?” I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. “I was not on your territory.”

            Neither of my two guards spoke. Not even the wolves driving and sitting in the passenger seat up front said a thing. They were stone statues hardly moving or speaking. Made of nothing but muscle there was no way I could take on all four of them at once. Just a few minutes ago I’d been woken up form my tent half a mile from their borders and thrown into this car with my silent guards. They’d said one thing and that was that I was going to go see their Alpha.

            “I guess you all don’t care its midnight and you’re having to take in a prisoner who was not even doing anything wrong?”

            “Shut up.” One of them muttered.

            “I have rights, the right to free speech. I also have the right to be free. I don’t think I’m free right now. Do you?” I turned to one of the guys with a long scar marring the left side of his face and smiled. These guys weren’t annoyed easily. The car jerked to a stop and they began to get out dragging me along. “I can walk you know.”

            “Shut up Alpha mutt.”

            I stumbled to walk and got upright just as I was pushed down to the ground inside our destination, a house very similar to that of their sister pack’s. “Your humble abode I presume?”

            One of them kicked me in the side and I growled even though it didn’t hurt. “Get up. Alpha Scavenge wants to see you.”

            If they were waiting for me to be scared of Jackal then it wasn’t going to happen. I got up carefully watching them all in case one decided to attack. “Where is Alpha Scavenge?”

            The largest of them, obviously the beta of the pack pointed to the stairs. “Hurry and he’ll end your pathetic life faster.”

            With a glance in the direction I was heading I started to back away not turning away from them. All were tense ready to spring into a fight as soon as allowed. My heel bumped the stairs and I turned racing up as I heard the wolves begin to shift. Teeth snapped at my heels and I leapt up near to the ceiling before dropping back down on a confused beta. This was a test, and I would not fail. I landed on his back and bit into his neck pulling and tearing. He howled in pain and rolled as another wolf snapped to get my back leg. He ended up biting the beta and I let go so he could attack his pack member.

            Taking the fighting between beta and omega to my advantage I lunged at the throat of the next wolf and took him down with one solid bite to the neck. The fourth wolf fled as blood poured down the steps. The beta and omega pounced onto me pinning my down tearing in with their claws as they demanded my surrender. Despite their size I stood shaking them off and going for the smaller. Paw and footsteps signaled the approach of more wolves.

            If I had to take down the whole pack then so be it. Several pairs of teeth sunk into me and I couldn’t get them off. Howling and snapping at anything in biting range I felt my teeth sink into the leg of one. The fighting became a vicious blur until a booming voice cut through the teeth and blood, “Enough!” Half the wolves disappeared into the shadows as Alpha Scavenge came down the stairway. “Miceel, put the mutt in a cage and make sure he doesn’t get out until I get to him.”

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