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Hey everyone. I'm back from vacation and I wrote everyday... on a differnet story you might get to see much later on. So now I'm trying to catch up on NMMTAD and The Runaway. Enjoy the new chap even if it is short I wanted to get something out to bide some time. :)

Bluebell’s P.O.V.

            I walked up the porch steps and into the house wondering how Grandpa even got in the gate. I could hear them inside already. Grandpa’s voice was loudest commanding his pack to do as he said.

            “Michael, Thomas, Jonah, get your heads out of their fridge. You’ll eat when they get back when they say you can and when I say you can!” Even in his old age authority poured from his voice strong and confident.

            His command I was affected by though only slightly. He had more authority in his voice alone than Mr. Quill. I opened the door listening as the house went silent. My footsteps were light and quick as I approached the living room.

            “Son? Is that you?” Grandpa called out thinking I might be Dad. His voice was slightly angry like he was preparing to yell at dad.

            I stepped through the door and Grandpa’s face went from yell ready to soft and loving. He rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug. “There’s my favorite girl in the world. How are you my Bell?”

            I’m okay. Dad isn’t. He got into a fight with the alpha here yesterday and is with their pack doctor.

            “A fist fight? Your father never was good at those.” Grandpa shook his head looking disappointed.

            No. He shifted and fought Mr. Quill. Ash is a werewolf. He can shift.

            “My son shifted?” A look of pride crossed his face that intensified as he processed the rest of the information. “Ash can shift? That’s wonderful. The Moon Song Pack will have an alpha of its own bloodline!” There was some cheering as the pack heard this.

            Grandpa, I need to talk to you. Will you promise not to freak out? I need you to listen to me and let me speak.

            He looked confused and slightly worried but nodded and followed me outside. I walked to the edge of the gate and leaned against the metal bars sighing. “Go ahead Bell. What did you want to say?”

            I examined my Grandpa carefully. He was old, but being a werewolf he looked a lot younger than he actually was. Of course, being older meant he kept to old ways. He believed in pure werewolf lines and that mutts shouldn’t embrace other creature’s powers. It was werewolf or nothing to him and other elders. They weren’t accepting to new things.

            I want to be Alpha. Wait. I held up a hand stopping him from speaking. I cannot shift into a wolf, but I am just as good as any werewolf for Alpha. I am unaffected by alpha power from other alphas like Alpha Quill. I have powers even though they aren’t werewolf. Grandpa, I am part dryad and I accept that whether you do or don’t. I have hid for years the fact that I have dryad powers and it was horrible not to tell you or dad. Basil was the only one who knew for years. I had to hide it because I knew you wouldn’t accept it. Now I want to be Alpha and I am telling you I have the power to command a pack without shifting power. I have alpha power even though I don’t have werewolf powers. I want this and I want you to accept me as a dryad and not a werewolf and as the future Alpha of the Moon Song Pack.

            There was quiet as Grandpa stared at me. I couldn’t read the emotions on his face and in his eyes. It was too confusing to decipher all the little emotions zooming in and out of existence on his face. I stared right back letting him know I was serious.

            “You found your mate.” Grandpa said pride once again dominating.

            I frowned. Yes, I found my mate. But I don’t want him. He wants only the Moon Song Pack to be joined to his through the mating so he can defeat his enemies using our pack with his.

            “You know this,” he asked angrily. His face turned slightly red and his pupils dilated. I nodded. “Does he know you know you are his mate?” I shook my head. “Good. Now you listen to me. I don’t like that you hid all this from me. I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same in your position. I wouldn’t have dared cross my grandfather. You should have seen his face when he found out I was marrying a dryad. I thought he’d kill me really I did. If you’d told me sooner though, I could have helped you sooner, since I know quite a bit about dryads believe it or not. I want you to be alpha more than anything but I do not want my pack to be used in some war. We hardly survived the last one.

            I can’t stand your father. He is a coward but I’m sure he had good reason for fighting a battle he surely would lose. You take me to him now. I want to see him and this Alpha Quill. You will come with me as the future alpha of my pack. Not a thing will be said about mates, understand? I want this all figured out before you get involved with you mate. I’m guessing he is the future alpha.”

            He is Alpha now. He took it from his father yesterday after his father attacked mine. He did it for me.

            “I’m not happy right now so don’t you dare give me that look. I don’t want to see you falling for your mate now. Not yet, and maybe not ever, understand?” I nodded and he smiled and hugged me. “I wish you had told me. I’m not happy but I understand why you did it. Now there are problems concerning our pack to deal with.”

            Would you like to see Dad then?

            “Yes, immediately and I want to see Mahalia as well.” I froze eyes wide and Grandpa laughed. “If you’re a dryad as you say then I know Mahalia will be around. She was Claire’s best friend and a good friend of mine. If I know her she’s somewhere around here causing trouble and breaking dryad rules.”

            Probably. I followed him as he went inside and told the pack about what was happening. They looked at me with new admiration and respect. I was going to be Alpha. Then it really sunk in. I was going to be Alpha of the Moon Song Pack. I didn’t even know anyone in my pack. For the love of all things good I couldn’t even speak to them. Okay, I did not think about this all the way through.

            “Bell, this is Michael, Thomas and Jonah your high ranking wolves. They’re the ones you need to meet now. Jonah, Thomas, you two come with us. Michael stay here, you’re in charge till I get back.”

            Michael nodded and high fived another wolf looking happy, “You got it Alpha.”

            Grandpa actually rolled his eyes and pulled us along with him towards the care outside. Thomas opened the door and we were walking out as a scream sounded behind us. There was a loud screech and our heads snapped back forward looking at the gate closing in front of us.

            “Okay, what’s going on?” Jonah asked as Thomas ran to check out what was happening inside the house.

            I have no idea. Grandpa conveyed the message and we all shivered as a gust of cold washed over us. I think the house is haunted by ghosts.

            “Oh that is just wonderful.”

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