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Last part before epilogue, yall sad? excited? happy? tell me what you think. I truely can't believe it's already over... wow.. well I hope yall tune in for my next werewolf story. You can read an excerpt of it at the bottom. So enjoy this last chapter! Epilogue will be uploaded tonight. I'd love to hear what yall think about both this part and the excerpt. Love and Happy Holidays to you all!

 P.S. If you haven't already I'd love it if yall would stop by and read my short story, Kiss at Midnight!! <3

Troy’s P.O.V.

            Dirt flew everywhere covering my fur in earth. I shook to try and get some of it off as I examined the whole I was making. My paws were burning from touching the fence repeatedly in my dig but I’d made some leeway. There was a good sized hole underneath the fence. It wasn’t enough to get through yet though. If I was in human form I might have called to Bluebell to help but I couldn’t give up the advantage of a hole digging dog. My paws went to work again tossing dirt behind me into a growing pile as the hole began to get larger.

            I was panting and shifted back human putting on my clothes. The hole wasn’t big enough for my wolf to fit through but if I was careful I could get under it. Taking deep breaths to relax I got on my back and started sliding under head first. My eyes were parallel to the bottom of the fence and I gulped. At least I was getting through the fence. Edging through inch by inch to try and get through I found myself with my head and neck on the other side. Grinning I edged my arms through the small opening and started to drag the rest of my body through. I hissed in pain when my knee bumped the fence and started burning.

            Brushing off the dirt I stood glad to be on the other side… that just wasn’t possible. I turned in circles feeling my fury rise. I was still on the woods side of the fence. How was that possible? With a few silent curses I took the chance this was like Operation and you just couldn’t touch the sides. Slipping under the fence again I kept my eyes on the house refusing to slip and touch the fence or look away from the house. It couldn’t just suddenly be in my vision and then not.

            When I was through again I could still see the house with no fence between me and it. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I took off sprinting and tripped, not a common occurrence for a werewolf. I knew where this was going before I even looked up to find myself on the other side of the fence again. I officially hated ghosts with my entire being.

            “How in the world am I supposed to get in?” I yelled kicking the fence only to be rewarded with a burning sensation in my foot.

            The house stood, unmoving and silent, without answer. I growled nearly at shifting point but pushed down my wolf. No, I couldn’t lose my temper now. I needed to get in there. Maybe I could run back and get help from Celeste or Mahalia. Full Dryads weren’t affected by ghosts right? Dryads are the only being completely connected to the earth. Nothing that simply hovers it, like ghosts, could affect them.

            No, there had to be something I could try on my own first. I wanted, I needed, to be the one to save my mate.

            “What do you want from me?” I yelled circling the house trying to find something. A weak spot maybe or a miracle was what I needed. No answer from the house or the ghosts inside of it. I didn’t really expect an answer. The one thing they probably wanted I couldn’t give them, the death of my pack.

            Passing in front of the gate it began to shake. After a few shakes it stopped and I stared at the house. It was no longer still. It was angry. The windows were lit, the curtains drawn so only the shadows of people at the windows could be seen. They cringed behind the fabric twisting in grotesque shapes as the wind howled around me like screams of pain. The gate began to shake again with ferocity that could not be caused by mere wind.

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