I smiled nervously at the boys and stepped closer toward Luke. He always saved me from these situations, "so what have we here?" Skip asked raising a brow. I breathed slower trying to calm down,we didn't plan telling them like this. "Well um, some unfortunate news. Mia's pregnant." Luke announced. The boys stood there in shock, "are you fucking kidding me?" James said mouth ajar. I shook my head no, that we weren't and he instantly had his arms wrapped around me. "Well shit" he mumbled into the hug.
After he broke away and we explained stuff a bit more, Jai looked grumpy as hell.
Suddenly Jeff walked into the door, "boys go to your rooms will you?" He asked too nicely. They suspiciously nodded their heads following orders, except Luke. He stuck by my side, arm glued to my waist. "Calm down will you Luke? I'm taking her to a doctors appointment to confirm this thing" he shrugged. I raised an eyebrow at him "well that's awful nice of you" i commented suspicious of his intentions. "Yes, now don't take it for granted and come with me." He nearly seethed before starting out the door waving me to follow. Me and Luke started walking before Jeff spoke again, "only Mia, Luke stay here" he grunted. "and whys that?" Luke frowned, "because I don't need rumors flying around at the moment if you two are seen together" Jeff dead panned looking at Luke as if he where stupid.Luke nodded, before kissing me goodbye. "Tell me how it goes love" he said as I hopped in the car, "I promise" I said before I shut the door and Jeff drove off.
"Thank you Jeff, I know you don't like this. It means a lot to me and Luke, and I know you care about the boys" i said half heartedly. Honestly I just didn't wanna piss him off, and him push me down a flight of stairs.
"Oh sweet heart, I don't give a fuck about you or the boys! And by the way this is what's gonna happen. Now listen" he said in a harsh tone taking me by surprise. I swallowed the lump in my throat nodding, "you are going to abort that baby, and go back to the boys and say it was a false alarm. And in return I will not only keep paying your parents money but I won't kill them and sell you to some rich old wrinkly pervert. Isnt that nice of me?" He chuckled. I whimpered knowing I had no choice, nodding again I felt a tear trickle down my cheeks. "Okay I'll do it" I whispered. "And you won't tell the boys a thing. Got it? Your welcome by the way honey" he smirked laughing a little to himself proudly.
I clutched to my stomach breathing heavily, I'm so sorry baby, I love you I thought shaking away the thoughts as soon as we pulling in front of a clinic.Jeff pointed to the door and handed me a stack of money, "you'll work this off don't worry" he said handing it to me as I got out of the car and stumbled into the clinic.
"Hi, how may I help you?" An overly joyful lady at the counter asked, "I um need an abortion" I whimpered setting the cash on the table. Her eyes widened as she looked at the money, nodding. "Sure, how soon?" She asked counting the money. "As soon as that amount of money can get me" I said, "my names Mia.. I'll be in the waiting room" I mumbled walking off.I slumped down in the chair, head in my hands. Tears running down my face. I couldn't do this... But you have no choice. the tears kept coming but the didn't make a sound.
After a couple min a heard a voice call my name "Mia?". I looked up to see a different lady holding some papers, I waved at her lazily getting up and following her through double doors.And moments later I was laying on a bed with a doctor taking a sonogram to make sure there's a baby in the first place. "Yup there's definitely a little bugger in there" The doctor said. "I'm assuming you don't want a picture?" He half asked. I shook my head violently, "you assumed right" . He nodded.
"Well I'll be back here to perform the procedure" he said solemnly. I nodded back tearing up a bit.
••••••••••••••••I walked out from the clinic, feeling a bit numb and violated. I mean he stuck things up there and took out my baby. I swung open the car door and climbed in. "Well that was fast.." Jeff mumbled starting the car

FanfictionMia had an average life really, I mean her parents weren't rich But for the most part they had a great life... Until everything goes downhill.