Fatal Frame Virtual Reality!!

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Chapter 1 - The Meeting

Paige and I gasped at the news bulletin on our regular game site.

"Fatal Frame Virtual Reality Game!"

"O-M-HOMEY-G!!" I shouted, jumping up from my chair and practically dancing around the room. Paige shortly joined my awesome dance for a few minutes, before grabbing her bag and coat.

"Come on! Let's  go buy it!!! Nowwwwww!!!" She said, opening the door and running down the stairs of our apartment building. We had just got back from our spanish gap year, and the English weather already hated us.

I slipped on my comfy shoes and walked out the door, grabbing my bag which had my key and credit card placed inside. I locked up and ran down the depressingly grey stairs to join Paige at the door. Paige walked towards her red fiesta and went to unlock the door, when I tugged at her sleeve.

"We can run it! It'll be quicker! We can avoid the traffic then!" I explained, already making my way down the street with Paige close behind me. We sprinted down the winding streets to get to the Game store, which was only about 5 minutes away... by car.

We stumbled into the store, panting like we had run a marathon, and got to the counter before any other of the eager buyers could.

"Welcome to GameStation! Do you want the new Fatal Frame Virtual Reality?" A man in the familiar uniform asked.

"YES!" Paige said, eyeing the poster of the famous horror game that we both loved. I joined Paiges gaze and nudged her slightly, "Hey, you can go online and talk to peoples!" I said. She nodded in response and we both bounced slightly, impatient for our awesome game to turn up at the counter. Just then, I heard two people talking behind us.

"I swear to god, if he takes this long to give the game to us I will get THIS close to raising my pimp hand!" A male voice said, joined by laughter of another. My eyes widened as I realised who it was, I looked at Paige who was already looking at me, shivering and smiling like there was a celebrity behind us.

"Is that who I think it is...?" I whispered. Paige turned her head slightly and pretending she was looking around at the other games. She quickly snapped her head back in shock.

"Yes! Yes it is!" She whispered back, shaking even more than before. I turned round myself, only to find both of the guys looking at me weirdly. I didn't know what else to do! I just instantly spoke out!

"Y-you're Snake? Psychadelicsnake? Who does the horror games?" I asked, turning fully round and making sure it was definately him.  Paige turned as well.

"And dan?! Right?" She smiled.

"You're those girls who were in spain for like a year and played all the shit scary spanish horror games right? The ones with the awesome hats?" Snake asked.

"Yeah...You've heard of us??" I looked at Paige, who was smiling manically.

"Course, you're a fucking YouTube sensation!" Dan exploded.

"So are you!!" Paige finally burst.

"What are you getting then??" Snake and I asked at the same time. Paige laughed at me.

"Fatal Frame: The virtual game." I smiled.

"Our viewers wanted us to get it and like ya know, do our thang!" Paige laughed.

"Which consists of your screaming and hiding under your hat whilst i figure out the game right?" I asked her sarcastically.

"Not completely, i also add in a, oh gosh bad things are gonna happen, baaaaadddd things... every so often" Realising we were babbling we both stopped.

"What about you? Here for Fatal Frame as well?" I asked.

"Are you for cereal?! Of course we are!" Snake replied.

"You know some of our fans suggested we team up on a game... like play it all together... this could be it, since there is four players..." Dan suggested.

"Some of our fans said that too..." Paige pondered.

"You're game miss" The man from before said, smiling at us intently. He placed the game on the counter and we stared at it for a few moments. It was quite a big box, with the game logo on the front. Paige and I lifted it off the counter, placing the money on it. The man took the money and shoved it in the cash register.

"Okies.. So we'll wait for you outside then!" I said, gesturing towards the door and smiling.

"Sure thang!" Snake replied, in his funny american accent. They moved towards the counter and we headed outside, carefully placing the box on the floor.

"Wow, I CANNOT believe we've actually MET them!" Paige shouted, clapping hysterically.

"I know!" I said, joinng her with jumps aswell. We both crouched down and examined the writing all over the box, trying to get clues from it. All that we learned was that there were two girls and two boys, both twins. Twin shrine maiden shiz....  something like that... hehe...

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