Chapter 4 - Paige's Point Of View

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The door slammed shut, separating me from Emily.

"Nngh..." I began, fear rapidly increasing in me, "OH MY GOD! I'M ON MY OWN! EMILY! AHH!" I freaked out, running in a retarded circle. Ahh shit. Okay. I need to find a light. I need to find a light. Soonish. I took baby steps away from the evil manor. Blood was spattered everywhere!

Nngh! What the FUCK am I doing?! I need Emily here! I don't know what to do! There was a pair of clean thick, black rimmed glasses on the floor. I picked them up. It was the only way me and Emily would look different, maybe helping Snake and Dan desifer us. I slipped them on and gulped.

"The second Shrine Maiden is all alone..." someone whispered. Ahh shit. That was it. I can't take this crap!

"AHH!!" I screamed, running towards a tree. I reached it and turned around. Suddenly I wasn't controlling my movements. I turned, unwillingyly, and saw three men running towards me.

"OH SHIT!" I screamed. They ran right through me... NYAH!

"Paige...?" Someone said, gripping my shoulder. I screamed and spun round, throwing punches and kicks at him.

"P-Paige it's me!!! Dan!!!" I opened my eyes and saw Dan flinching as I hit him.

"Thank fuck! Hoo!" I hugged him, even though I only just met him earlier that day. I was so glad I wasn't alone.

"Hehe... You have a camera?" He asked.

"Erm no... I've been looking for a light to be honest." I replied. Dan held up a really old looking camera and a flash light. I have never felt so stupid in my life! He held out the flash light to me, and I snatched it.

"Hehehe!" I smiled. I sounded kind of like a gremlin!

"We need to find Snake... He got dragged into that fucking manor!" He pointed at the house Emily was in, "He's probably having a fit right now."

"Not really..." I smiled nervously, " He's with Emily. She's like the goddess of horror games. He'll be fine!"

"HA! He's the god of horror games!" He winked at me and laughed.

Suddenly a holographic screen popped up infront of me.

"To pause at any time, shout pause clearly and it will let you out of the game. Remember to take breaks and go back to the real world!"

"Nngh..." I said cautiously.

"Whats wrong?" Dan asked.

"Whenever they say you can pause it means scary shit is gonna happ-"

A laugh came from behind me. A small boy was looking at me.

"AHH!!!" I screamed.

"Paige! RUN!" Dan shouted, as he began to sprint down the pathway.

"FUCK THIS!" I shouted back, "PAUSE!"

I suddenly woke up. I looked around the living room at everyone else. They looked like they were sleeping. I could see some sort of panic on Emily's and Snake's face. Nngh. Dan was on his own. I decided to go back.

As I put the helmet back on and closed my eyes, I appeared behind the child, who was about to attack Dan.

"HEY!" I shouted, alerting him. WHY DID I DO THAT?! I propelled myself towards the door of the manor again, and began to punch and kick it.

"LET ME IN!" I screamed, tears streaking down my face. The boy was in my reach. I covered my face with my hands and prepared for the worse. I heard a click, then all the sudden a flash.

"Paige, It's gone." Dan said, holding the camera up. I opened my eyes and sighed with relief. Just as I was about to say something to him, I noticed a red butterfly, fluttering into the tree's. I was transfixed! I walked towards the pretty glowing creature.

The door of the manor opened, but I just carried on following the butterfly.

"Paige? PAIGE!" Dan shouted. I didn't respond. He ran after me. This butterfly... It was calling me. It was telling me to leave... to go home and be happy. I felt Dans hands on my shoulders as he pulled me back and spun round. I shook my head to get back to my normal self again.

"Paige?" Dan said, shaking me.

"W-wha?!" I shouted, holding my head.

"You got hypmotised or something..." He replied, a slight worried look on his face.

"Well where are we now?!" I screamed. I spun round and realised we were right in the middle of a circle of tree's. In each gap, there were statues. There were two girls and two boys. One boy next to a girl.

"Twins..." I whispered. Dan went and touched the statue, and the moonlight through the tree's suddenly changed. I fell to the floor, covering my face from anything attacking. Dan ran over and helped me up.

"Don't worry." He said. I smiled and decided to look at the two girls.

"Is this.... us?" I barely said.

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