Chapter 5 - Challenges Await

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Snake and I walked up the large steps, being very careful trying not to make them creak. As we got to the landing at the top, a woman appeared and walked down the hallway.

"SHIT!" I shrieked, joined by Snakes hilarious screams. The woman slowly walked through a door, before vanishing completely.

"Okay! Hoo... Let's go in there!" Snake whispered. I nodded and stayed close to him, I don't want another serparation! He took my arm as we walked inside, being cautious of any traps.

"W-what's that?" I said, pointing at the book on the floor. I knelt down and began to read the inked words.


I came here on strict business. I just HAD to research this village. A massacre occured a long time ago, wiping the village from the map. It is said that the only survivor was a lone woman. Her laugh can be heard throughout the village. It's always night here! The darkness seems to lure strange beings.


I gave the diary to Snake, who was kneeling next to me, and decided to look around. I stood up and walked towards a traditional japanese closet. I opened it slightly, and peeked inside. There was japanese writing, it looked like it was written in blood, on the back wall. Obviously I couldn't understand it, so I shrugged it off. I slid the door closed and turned back round to see if Snake had finished reading.

He was scanning through the other pages for a different clue. But that was not what I had noticed. I threw myself against the back wall, and gasped in horror. Snake looked at me in confusion.

"W-what are you staring at?!" He shouted. I shakily lifted my hand, and pointed at his shoulder. He turned his head slowly, and noticed the woman that led us in here was touching his shoulder, staring at him.

"HOLY SHIT!" Snake screamed. He slid the camera towards me as he shuffled backwards on the floor. I quickly picked it up and took a picture of the paranormal woman. She jolted backwards, groaning loudly. Snake stood up and stepped behind me. Just as the strange woman reached me, I took another picture. She jolted back again and just stood there looking at me. I lowered the camera slightly to see why she did that, but she let out a deafening scream and charged at me.

She grabbed my arms and shook me violently. I could feel the energy draining from my body as I dropped the camera. Snake quickly picked it up.

"Bitch get off her!" He shouted, spamming the shutter button. The woman fell backwards and whined, slowly vanishing. I dropped to the floor, my legs couldn't hold my weight. Snake knelt by my side and patted my back gently, trying to encourage me to stand back up.

"You'll be ok.." he said, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny wooden pot. He handed it to me and I looked at it in confusion.

"What's this?" I asked,looking at it in my hand. He smiled and laughed slightly.

"It's this herbal medicine shit I found when I got shut in." he replied, making me laugh. I gulped it down quickly, it tasted quite nice! After a few minutes, I felt a hell of alot better. I stood up slowly and stretched, trying to prevent my body from aching. I gave the pot back to Snake, who put the pot back in his pocket.

"Thanks." I said, smiling. He smiled back and nodded. He picked the camera up, and took my hand. Obviously he was a little freaked out about getting separated too, or the fact that he's had bad experiences with Mayu. He practically dragged me down the corridor, eager to find something. We entered a room, and found camera film, and this weird thing called a spirit orb.

"Ooo..." Snake said, turning it in his hand. I laughed at his facination. We walked through quite a few rooms, finding batteries, film and herbal medicines. Suddenly there was loud banging from the front of the house.

"AHH!" We both screamed. We looked at eachother and in worry. Paige... Dan...

Snake started to make his way back to the stairs. I made sure I kept up.

"I'm really glad your not like Mayu." He said, laughing. I joined his laughter, but my grip on his hand tightened when we heard a door open. This time it was my turn to drag him. I jogged to the stairs, and ran down them quickly. The door was open. I saw Dan standing there, and Paige running round him, in a transfixed mood.

"PAIGE!" He screamed. We ran faster, but just as we reached the door it slammed shut again. Ahh fuck. SO CLOSE! I kicked and punched the door, Snake doing the same and shouting and cussing at it. We spun round, hearing a noise. Snake quickly pulled up the camera.

"The frame is blue..." Snake whispered. I looked into the camera, noticing he was pointing at a wall.

"Hmm... take a picture..." I whispered back. He pressed the shutter button, the flash lighting up the room. The picture on the camera changed into a door.

"I wonder where that is..." I said, looking around. Snake shrugged and lowered the camera.

"I dunno... but I bet that ghost betch will lead us." He replied. Making me laugh. He took my hand again and we made our way down the corridor again. Hopefully whatever this door will lead to will be nice...

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