Chapter 10

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A/N: BEFORE I START THIS CHAPTER, I have a little announcement. I started a new story and I'd love if you could check it out and comment :) I will be alternately updating this story and the new one, but MTPM is on hold.

Anyway. Back to the chapter.


"So, you're mom's cousin?", I asked Polina while she was driving us to her house.

"Second cousin.", she corrected. "We don't really know each other too well."

"Oh.", I said awkwardly. I felt guilty for randomly coming over to stay with her when she barely knew me or my mother.

"Do not worry, though!", Polina said in her slightly accented voice. "I like children. However, I'm not home very much."

"That's okay.", I said quickly. "I'm used to that. Mom was barely home, too. When she was home, she was with...Paul."

Polina glanced at me for a moment. "Paul? Her fiancé?"

"Yeah.", I said, unsuccessfully trying to hide the resentment in my voice.

"What is he like?", Polina asked.

"A rat.", I answered promptly.

Polina chuckled. "I see. You don't like him."

"You could say that again.", I muttered.

After a minute, Polina said, "We're home!"

I peered at the house in front of us. It wasn't very large, but it was really pretty. It looked a bit like a house you'd see in a fairy tale. It was painted a pale pink colour, and it had a gorgeous little balcony. The garden was fairly large, and there was a small, nicely decorated swimming pool, as well as lots of flowers.

"It's so pretty.", I breathed.

"It is, isn't it?", Polina said, beaming proudly.

She got out of the car, and I followed her into the house.

Everything inside was kind of girly, but very neat and clean.

"Come, I'll show you your room.", Polina said, smiling.

"O-okay.", I replied before following her up the stairs.

She opened a cream coloured door, and we went inside.

The room was beautiful.

The walls were a creamy white colour, and there was a little pink chest of drawers and dressing table.

The bed was small and cute, and it had a pink canopy above it.

There were soft, fluffy rugs on the marble floor, and a walk in closet.

"It's gorgeous.", I said, smiling at Polina. "Thank you so much."

"It was no problem, Kate.", she said, returning the smile. "I only had to fix it up a little bit."

I couldn't help but feel touched that she'd arranged the room especially for never did stuff like that.

"Well, I'll leave you alone now.", Polina said. "Come down for dinner at eight."

I nodded, and Polina exited the room.

I hopped onto the bed and sighed happily. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.


Oh, God. I hated this place. I wanted to go back home.

"You have to go to school, Kate!", Polina exclaimed.

"It'll be so weird!", I cried. "I'll see people that I haven't seen in ages! They'll all remember me as the 'geek'."

"Well, even if I let you stay home today, you'd have to face your fears eventually, Kate.", Polina said, not unkindly.

"I know.", I sighed. "It's just..."

Polina smiled understandingly. "Go get dressed, sweetie."

I sighed again, and then nodded.

I went to my room and opened the closet. I'd stuffed all my clothes in there yesterday.

I pulled out a pair of denim shorts, and a pink crop top which only showed a tiny sliver of my stomach.

I put on some white sandals and matched some cute jewelry with my outfit before starting on my hair.

I straightened it and brushed it till it was smooth, and then applied just a little bit of makeup.

"There. We're done.", I said to my reflection.

I went down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen.

Polina was sitting at the table and eating some fruit.

"Oh, I made you some breakfast.", she said, pointing to a bowl of oatmeal on the table.

"Thanks.", I said before digging in.

"You look nice!", Polina suddenly exclaimed.

"T-thank you.", I said, a little startled. "You do too."

Polina was wearing a button down blouse and a pencil skirt. She looked amazing, even though the clothes were pretty boring.

She beamed at me.

Wow, she was really cheerful. It was nice, though.

"I should go.", I said, reluctantly getting up.

"Have fun!", Polina said.

"Sure.", I mumbled before leaving the room.


I took a deep breath. I was standing right outside the school building's door.

"Stop being a wimp, Kate.", I said to myself. "It's not a big deal."

I pulled the door open and walked in. The hall was full of people.

They were all talking and laughing, but a few of them turned to look at me.

A blonde girl wearing way too much makeup scowled at me, and a couple of guys smirked at me arrogantly.

I just ignored them and went straight to the office that I'd spotted across the hall.

A few more people noticed me and stared while I walked over there, but I didn't pay any attention to them.

I got my schedule and a school map from the office, as well as a key to my new locker.

"Time to go find the locker.", I muttered, studying the school map.



"Damn. Who's that?", Jace said, looking at someone behind me.

I turned around and saw a girl arranging some stuff in her locker. Her back was towards me, so I couldn't see her face.

She had long, straight blonde hair and thin, shapely legs.

She was wearing shorts and a short top.

I sighed. "Probably another slut.", I said, turning back to Jace.

"Maybe.", He said, raising his eyebrows. "She's hot, though. I'd definitely do her."

I rolled my eyes. "You'd do anybody."

Jace chuckled. "True. She's actually really hot, though. I-"

"Could you kindly stop talking about me?", I heard a cold, sarcastic voice say from behind me.

Why was that voice kind of...familiar?

I turned around, and looked at the owner of the voice.

She was beautiful. She had perfect, creamy skin, a small nose and big, blue...eyes. Those eyes looked so...familiar...


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